Pros and cons about iphone 4?
Pros and cons about iphone 4?
Pros and cons about iphone 4?
What can I download straight to my iPhone to jailbreak it?
Hi there basicaly I have bought a Iphone 4s from america and have received it as they had a sale, anyway when its in the uk its blocked from service (no signals or calls), could I unblock it? Alot of my mates say you can jailbreak it to get signal back, Can any one help me out?
Added (1). Oh Its locked to a service called American Sprint
My mom has Verizon and is eligible for an upgrade.
I'm not on her plan nor do i even have verizon.
Is it possible to order an iphone (iphone 4s or 5, haven't decided) using her upgrade but transfer that phone to me?
Why have the pics I have taken with my iPhone not appeared on my ipad
I want to cancel my Contract with Sprint, to be honest their service is horrible in my opinion, at least with the Iphone that I bought. So the question is. Can I sell my IPhone 4s if I cancel my contract with Sprint? If so, can someone else connect the phone if I sell it to them? I don't want to sell the phone without the other person being able to connect it.
My sister found an iphone last night while we were shopping. It was dead so she took it home with us.
When we got home, she charged it a little. She took the sim card out and cut it up, and discarded it. Then she restored the phone to factory settings. So now it looks like its brand new.
Can she use it? Can they track the phone to her?
I have game apps on my iPhone that I want to play on my iMac. How's this done?
I've been looking for a way to jailbreak my iphone 4s with ios 6.0.1 online for a while now, but i've come up short. Is there any way to accomplish this yet? (preferably on a mac)
I own a small business and need an all in one printer for my Apple products. I have a mac air, an ipad and an iphone. I'd like a printer that has a sheet feeder for the scanner. Cyber Monday is right around the corner and I'm hoping to find a good deal.