Can i get my own plan on a used iPhone 4?
My cousin just got the iPhone 5 and he's giving me his old iPhone 4. I want a two year contract with Verizon. Can I do that? And how would I do it
Added (1). It's already on Verizon
My cousin just got the iPhone 5 and he's giving me his old iPhone 4. I want a two year contract with Verizon. Can I do that? And how would I do it
Added (1). It's already on Verizon
I really want one for christmas. I have at&t. I want 32gb white. Apples website says its from 299$ if you go to iphone and select buy now, then hit white 32gb and at&t from 299 is all it will tell you until you have to go deep in the purchase.
this is the link for what i'm talking about:
i really want to know as closely as possible how much it will cost so i can present myself when i tell my dad. Always thinking.
please and thank you: D
For some one who uses the Web daily, dowloads apps, music, videos, ect. Also textes a lot and rarely does phone calls.
I sent a few pictures today and tonight it's not working. I attach it to a text message and it says message failed. I tried restarting my phone, making sure the SMS is enabled and also doing a software update. Btw it's an iPhone 4 with telus.
I just bought the season 2 of American horror story on iTunes (on my iphone) I don't use the computer or iPad. But everytime I try to play one of the episodes it says "could not load movie" WHY WHAT IS WRONG I WANT TO WATCH MY MOVIE. WHAT DO I DO TO FIX THIS
Does a hard case/silicon/bumper case improve it? And an article or two will help
I want the iPhone 4 but not willing to pay over $90. I already tried Verizon they want to charge me too much and so does at&t. I have T-Mobile right now. I want to switch because I can't get an iPhone and I have a terrible signal. Can you name companies who have IPhones?
It is 3rd Generation, 16gb, the colour is black, the phone is in really clean condition, screen is scratch free, the case has no breaks and in an all round nice working condition.
Added (1). Sorry, this was my fault, i'm in the UK, I guess I should have made that clear, sorry guys: P
I want to get an iPhone for Christmas without having to pay so much money. I want to get the two-year contract so it's only $100 with a monthly fee. However, my two-year contract isn't up yet but I want to get it while it's on sale.
How much does it cost to activate an IPhone 4 under a 2 year plan with at&t?