What's the best price for a iPhone 5?

What's the best price for an unlocked white 16GB iphone 5? I can't find a price better than apples and it a bit of a rip!

Added (1). I know its a great phone and all but it only cost around $200 to make and usually Kogan have like them $50 cheaper but… The same price this time… If you know where to get it cheaper please leave a link

How to delete 'Other' on iPhone 4s?

Everytime I take a picture, sometimes a box pops up saying that it can't take the photo and i should check my storage. In doing this i deleted all the apps i never use, but yet again it popped up. So i called apple, and all they said was it was because i have too much music.mind you i only had 500 songs. So i deleted the ones i never listen to anymore, and now i have about 237. But i'm STILL gettin this notification! So i plug my phone into my laptop and it says i have 10.2GB of "other" and the apple store people said that it would go down after deleting my unused stuff. Does ANYONE have anything i can do to get this all to go away with out having to restore my phone?

IPhone 4 Picture Delivery Failed?

I have a white iPhone 4.
Since i upgraded to iOS 6 my picture delivery fails unless it's so other iPhones.
I tried to reset it and it doesn't work. What can I do?

Dropped my Iphone into water?

So I dropped my Iphone 4 into my cats water bowl I grabbed and yanked it out soon as it hit the water it was in there for a 1 second or less. I dried it off as much as I could the light on the phone still worked everything still worked besides the camera but I didn't care at the moment I was just worried about later damage so first instinct was to put it in rice and so I did but I turned it off first. It has been in rice for about 35 minutes so far i'm leaving it over night. But what I want to know is will this work? I mean it still worked after I dropped it into the water and it wasn't even submerged in the water fully. Has this happened to you? And does your Iphone still work?

What is a good music app for iPhone?

I have an iPhone & looking for some good apps to download music onto the app. Example: I have an app that doesn't work anymore & it has a download button into it. YouTube videos & music videos from YouTube I download my music from to this app, collects them & plays all the songs in a row. Any other apps like that?

My iPhone 5 is taking iPhone 4 sized pictures

When I take a picture, it doesn't fill up the screen of my iPhone 5. I have no idea why it's doing this. Basically, I'll take a picture of, say, a tree. When I view the picture, it has a black bar at the top and bottom - as if it had been taken with a 4S/4/etc. What's wrong with it?