Already hearing rumours about iPhone 5S?

We're already hearing rumours about the iPhone 5S, although I like apple products, I dislike Apple for scrounging ever last penny from their incredibly loyal customers.

When do you think the iPhone 5S will be released, what will be different, and why are they releasing phones so close and similar to eachother and expecting people to pay everytime?

Added (1). For the record the only apple product I have is an iPod.

Wi-Fi sync with all three apple devices?

I have an iPad 2, iPod 4, and iPhone 4. I want all of them to do Wi-Fi sync with my macbook pro. HOw do I do it?

Note: Only the iPod touch seems to work with that, but the other two just won't do it.

Does itunes only allow one device to be set up for Wi-Fi sync?


Added (1). I have checked all three to sync through Wi-Fi, but only the iPod works.

Can't sync songs from itunes to iphone?

My pc was wiped due to a virus but managed to save all songs in itunes to a memory stick. When i downloaded itunes again and copied the songs over they won't sync to the iphone and an exclamation mark appears next to each song (over 500) how do i find where they are. Idiot proof answers please as i'm not computer savi!

Nokia Lumia 822 vs iPhone 4?

My 2-year Verizon contract is almost up, and it's time to get a smartphone. At first I had my heart set on the iPhone 4 ( I'm not interested in the 5 ), but I recently visited my local Verizon Wireless store and fell in love with the Nokia Lumia 822. I loved the design, and the 4G Lite was definitely a plus, since this will be mostly for my internet-on-the-go usage. Although I loved the Lumia, I'm still torn. I love both the iPhone 4 and the Nokia Lumia 822, but I'm at a loss when it comes to which one to choose ( Price does not matter to me ). One thing I'd love to know about is the Nokia Lumia's music streaming - I've heard of it, but I'd like to know more about it, because music is very important to me next to internet.

Does hotspot use your cellular data?

So I'm kinda new to this, on my iphone I turned on the hotspot, so I can web search on my ipad where Wi-Fi is not available. So will the data used on my ipad count towards my cellular. Also if I have a 4gb plan, will it cost more to use the hotspot, I tried calling verizon, but couldn't get any help. So is hotspot unlimited and is the data usage the same, thanks.

Does opening new account with ATT affect your credit?

Recently, I opened an account with ATT when iPhone 5 released. I was with Sprint before I went to ATT. However, I'm going to get a new car within a month, so I pulled out a credit report from Equifax, surprisingly, ATT left a mark under inquiry. Isn't it for real? I thought phone company only run your credit when you have no credit. Is everyone having the same situation? If not, i'm going to dispute.note: i hate equifax!