Can't connect to iTunes Store? - 1

I recently updated my iPhone 4s to iOS6.So, i'm no more able to access iTunes from my phone, whenever i try to open, it says "Can't connect to iTunes Store"? And when i press OK, it asks me if i want to download the iTunes you or Podcasts app? I'm so frustated right now!
[ Although the app store is working fine. (P.s, this is not that PASSBOOK related issue )…
And yes i'm able to open iTunes on my Mac!

My iPhone 4S number is unknown in settings?

I updated my iPhone 4S to iOS6 about a 2 months ago and every day since then my phone says searching for service when I know there's service so I go to settings then to phone and my number says unknown and won't let me put my number in it and I don't know what to do please help

IPhone 4s very VERY slow lately?

I started noticing with the internet not loading like usually. It takes longer to receive messages on iMessage (which usually just sends as a text message to other iPhone users) and on the app Kik. Also, when downloading music it takes way longer (about a minute) I know it sounds like I'm spoiled lol but I'm not, trust me. I have a 8gb or 16gb i'm pretty sure. I downloaded & deleted many of my photos yesterday to my mac, but it didn't work. Suggestions? Should I back up on iCloud?

What's the cheapest way to get an iphone?

I don't neccisarily need a plan right away… I want one because I would like to get internet, and this really cute anime phone case and an anime ring tone… But were pretty much broke, so the only way i could get one is to BEG my grandmother who is a tightwad even tho she's practicly rich and gets surgery for her boobs and face all the time.
I doubt she'd go for the 85$ a month plans they have for those phones! The cheapest way I found to get one so far was a used one for over $200!
Is there a plan that is under $50 a month?

What's better: the iPhone 5 or the Samsung Galaxy S 3?

I have been wanting a smartphone for some time now.
The iPhone 5 is really expensive, but it has all of the apps and the warranty.
The Galaxy S3 is much less, but I'm not aware of the apps it had or the warranty.
Can someone please shed some light on the apps and warranty features of the Galaxy S3?
And please don't say, 'go look it up' or hit me with advertisements…