When I bought my iphone I didn't have a computer to use to transfer all my music from my external hard drive, so I used my friend's computer. I don't have access to that computer anymore.
I just recently bought a new computer and I want to put everything from my iphone (including a lot of music I purchased from the app store) to my new computer. I still have access to the external hard drive and as a last resort I guess I can sort through all the data again to put it on my new computer (which took literally half a day last time I did it), but I find it hard to believe that there's no way to back up your iphone to a computer that isn't synched with the iphone yet. Whenever I try to copy the music to my computer manually, every time I open the iphone's data, the only thing that shows up is pictures.
I tried searching for ways to do this but every forum just says to copy the data from one computer's iTunes to the new computer's iTunes. All I have access to is the iTunes on my phone.Am I missing something here or did Apple just completely skip over something so fundamental?
Any help at all is much appreciated.