How come when I try to charge my iPhone, it says battery overheating?

My iPhone isn't even overheating. After I reboot it I get an error where it says battery fully charged and then it just says No Service, and all my apps are gone (Even the apps that come with the iPhone when you buy it are gone). I looked up some info but didn't seem to find anyone having a problem like this. What can I do to fix this?

Transferring music from iphone to new computer? - 1

When I bought my iphone I didn't have a computer to use to transfer all my music from my external hard drive, so I used my friend's computer. I don't have access to that computer anymore.

I just recently bought a new computer and I want to put everything from my iphone (including a lot of music I purchased from the app store) to my new computer. I still have access to the external hard drive and as a last resort I guess I can sort through all the data again to put it on my new computer (which took literally half a day last time I did it), but I find it hard to believe that there's no way to back up your iphone to a computer that isn't synched with the iphone yet. Whenever I try to copy the music to my computer manually, every time I open the iphone's data, the only thing that shows up is pictures.

I tried searching for ways to do this but every forum just says to copy the data from one computer's iTunes to the new computer's iTunes. All I have access to is the iTunes on my phone.Am I missing something here or did Apple just completely skip over something so fundamental?

Any help at all is much appreciated.

How to remove my Facebook contacts from my iPhone contacts?

I installed the latest operating systems and hit the share contacts. It has put my Facebook contacts into my iPhone contacts along with birthdays and events into my calander. How do I remove these? Surely there something in my Facebook settings? Cheers Chris

How to tell if my iphone is being tracked?

I have an iphone but the account is in someone else's name. We're both adults. Does that other person have ability to track me? See my texts? How would I even know? He seems to know an awful lot about my comings and goings and I know he uses something to track the children on the account. How can I tell if I'm actually being tracked? If I log onto icloud is there a history where I can see if someone has been using it to track my phone?

Added (1). The phone is mine and I've answered my own question. I logged into icloud. He had been looking at my calendar, my contacts and also tracking my movements via my phone's gps from there. You can turn off icloud sharing from your phone and change your password to protect against this type of invasion of privacy. I completely trusted this person with my account info and had no idea that the icloud could access this much information. Shame on me. Never again. I don't blame my answerer for being suspicious. Some people, evidently, are incredibly deceitful.

Not all of my songs on my iPhone are getting deleted?

I'm trying to delete all the music on my iPhone so I can clear off some unwanted music. (Yes, I know. My OCD is bad.) After I completely cleared all of the music from my DEVICE on iTunes, (it said 0 songs) I synced it and find a few songs left on my phone. So I swiped to the left to delete them and there are a few that still won't go away. And these are the main songs I'm trying to get rid of. So I go onto iTunes and deleted the song completely from my library and STILL, the songs are on there. I turned my phone off then back on. Again, still on there. What can I do to get rid of these annoying songs!

How long can an iPhone keep its charge?

I have an iPhone 4s and tomorrow I'm going a road trip with my parents and I'm expecting it to take about 4 hours. I wanna watch netflix on the way there and on the way I'll probably send a few texts. Can my iPhone run for 4 hours on Verizon 3G? If it can't then I guess ill bring my MacBook and charge it on the way up.