How much will it cost to fix my iPhone 3GS?
My iPhones volume and lock buttons have fallen off, and the home screen button doesn't work unless i press down very hard on it. I'm not allowed to get a new phone either, so I have to get it fixed.
My iPhones volume and lock buttons have fallen off, and the home screen button doesn't work unless i press down very hard on it. I'm not allowed to get a new phone either, so I have to get it fixed.
What are some good and safe social networking apps for iPhone?
How does the Iphone 4s Preowned come? Does it come i the normal apple box? And any extras about the phone! And please don't answer if you don't know because i'm getting the phone tomorrow or the day after tomorrow… So ill see for myself.
I curently have the Iphone 4, and I'm buying the Iphone 5 (AT&T) on Ebay. Will the sim card from my IPhone 4, fit into the IPhone 5 so I can automatically start using it?
I jailbroke my iphone months ago and there hasn't been any problems until what I think I did to screw everything up. I went into diskaid and tried to delete part of a theme. When I tried to load it on winterboard, some icons just started disappearing when it resprung. Then some more, and then finally it turned off and it won't go past the apple logo now. Is there any way to fix this without restoring and upgrading?
Hi. I want to buy the iPhone 5 or the iPhone 4s. A lot of people tell me that the iPhone 5 sucks and I should just buy the iPhone 4s, but I can't make up my mind. Also, where would be a good place to buy it? Thank you.
Added (1). Oh, I forgot to also ask for you give me different comparisons of prices, and also give me reasons why to buy one over the other.
The three iPhone apps that Instagram recommends for combining photos are PicFrame, Diptic, and PhotoShake! Which one should I get, and why?
I want a boombox for my iphone 5 like the ihome boombox but thats only for 4S. What can i use for an iphone 5 that is a boombox (Keep in mind I don't want anything that does not look like a real boombox/ghetto blaster)
Thanks in advance!
Added (1). To the first question I need a boombox that looks like a real one for the iphone 5 with a dock or something like that. At least a brand would be helpful just app store does not help me at all.
I want t o download this application without using credit card. Is it possible to purchase by debit card. I'm not able to do it by debit card. Please suggest how can i purchase paid application on iphone as i don't have credit card, but i have debit card.
Types of plastic phone cases are made of? I have a friend who's dad got one and i wanna put a logo on my iphone case bu will it wreck the machine or my case?