My iphone 3Gs randomly shuts off?

So lately i have been having troubles with my iphone 3Gs. I have had it for a little over a year now and i have a bad habit of dropping it. Even a chuck of the plastic on the back has now chipped off. I have a password lock on it so whenever i try to unlock, my phone kind of freezes and it takes awhile for it to register the code i put in. Then once it registers, it just shuts off. This happens every single time… Is there any way to fix this?

How much data do I need for the iphone 5?

I currently have the iphone 3gs and a data plan of only 500 mb a month. According to my billing the most data I've used on my 3gs is 300 mb, averaging only around 100-200 mb. I don't use my iphone for streaming, just e-mail and basic browsing and minimally facebook. It's normally on Wi-Fi most of the time. However, I head the LTE network goes through data like crazy. Should I get more data or would 500 mb be enough when I upgrade to the iphone 5?

How to activate iPhone 4 without SIM?

Okay, so my sister gave me her old iPhone 4 because her boyfriend bought her a new iPhone. She told me I had to restore it before I could use it, so I did. Unfortunetly, she took her SIM to her boyfriends house, but she's gunna give me it tomorrow. I'm just wondering if I can activate without it? Please and thank-you.

Can I get service in a used iphone?

What happen is this. I find an iphone 1 month ago, it was from a tourist, so I never give it back. But I want to know if I can activate it, even knowing I don't buy it. It is verizon. More specific, change the number to a new number, new service, but with the same iphone. Can I? If not, what can I do?

Added (1). I forget, the iphone don't use SIM card

Iphone jailbroken, needs restoring?

I bought a used iphone, when I synched it to my itunes account, it worked and added my itunes apps and music to the iphone. I didn't activate it with a cell service, just intended to use it as an ipod. It worked for about 3 days, then it went to an apple symbol on the screen and sometimes a dead battery sign. It won't charge. I took it to a cell repair store and he said it had been "jailbroken" and would be too costly to fix. Does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions on what I should do?

IPhone 4S and 5 differences?

Looking to get either the iPhone 4S of 5. I have the 3 right now and its getting kind of old and I'm looking to buy a new one. I know the 4s is cheaper but what are the other differences that would make one better than the other?

My Wi-Fi doesn't work on my iPhone?

I'm trying to connect to my Wi-Fi on my phone so I don't use so mug f my data plan but when I do it won't let me go on anything like it won't load so I have to turn the Wi-Fi off and use my data plan can someone help me?