I don't know what to get for christmas

I'm a 15year old boy and i have a laptop, flatscreen tv, an iphone 4, ipod 4th gen, desktop computer, a ps3, nice clothes and sneakers. I really don't know what to ask for this time.last year i was in the same situation and out of nowhere my wonderful parents got me a laptop. So do you guys have any ideas?

Added (1). Ps i don't like the ds or wii you or xbox so thats out of the question. Sorry yesenia

Added (2). And i don't know how to ride a skateboard or bike.shameful i know


I have a Verizon iPhone 5 but I just got that phone and well I need to find someone's number I had in my contacts on my last phone so how do I find her number by using Verizon's website!

Added (1). My contacts couldn't be transfered to my new phone because of how bad my phone broke.

Christmas List 2012 what to get?

Hey I'm a 13 year old boy and I don't know what I want for Christmas Because Basically I have a:
-Iphone/ Ipad (So no more apple objects)
-My mums going to New York in tomorrow to spend $500 on clothes for me
-I've got £200 to spend on games
-I'm getting a dog already
-I hate gift ticket things

I don't really think I need a christmas present but my mum and dad says its a must so what so I get


How Should I Read The Hetalia Manga?

I recently started reading Hetalia. I've been getting the strips from Manga Fox and its Manga Reader app for the iPhone. However, on Hetarchive.net, its strips are different from the ones Manga Fox has provided.

For example, this is chapter one, according to Manga Fox:

But, this is chapter one, according to Hetarchive:

The two are different.

Also, the way Italy and Germany meet in the MF strips varies from the way they meet in the Hetarchive strips.

Manga Fox Meeting:

Hetarchive Meeting:

Could you please tell me why the two are different, and how I should go about reading Hetalia?


My iphone 4s, was fast now struggles with apps. My internet was fast and then it turns slow as ***. My computer turned slow and freezes and I only use it for homework and research. Netflix keeps stopping and loading. I have to press the power button on my ps3 more than once for it to start up. Sometimes my Ps3 or xbox doesn't sign me in on the network. WHY WON't TECHNOLOGY *** DO WHAT ITS SUPPOSE TO DO!

How to turn on iPhone3g when stuck on apple logo?

I have a jailbroken iPhone 3g with versions 5.1.1
My PROBLEM is I was trying to fix my MMS yesterday, but when I rebooted my phone, it was stuck on the apply logo. I do not know what to do from here because it has been like this since last night. I need help without losing my data on the phone. **I have very low battery**

Tweets missing on my twitter's timeline? - 1

So when i check my twitter for the latest tweets i find that that there's a huge gap in my timeline. Like it jumps from 4 hours ago to 1 hour ago. And i can't scroll down to see the older tweets. I tried deleting my account, signing out and in again, clearing history and cache but nothings working. And i'm aware that twitter shows 1000 tweets only but there's no way id have 1000 tweets in 3 hours i don't follow a lot of people. I use iphone 4s. Can you please help me?

How to keep people from locking my iphone

I have a passcode on my iphone but my friends sometimes manage to steal my phone and lock it until I have to wait an hour or so until it unlocks. It's so annoying, Is there a way that I can turn off the locking thing? Or something else?