Should I jail break my iPhone? - 1

I've had my iPhone 4 for about 4 months. Some of my friends had their iPhone jail broken but most of them took it off because it was running down their battery. I jail broke my iPod a few years ago but took it off cause I kinda got tired of it. A lot of people are scared to jail break their phone because they think it will damage the software. So do you guys think I should or just leave it as it is?

IPhone automatically downloading applications?

It keeps downloading applications I purchased but are not in it every time I sync with iTunes. It IS because I turned on "sync apps" in iTunes but I can't turn it off and I want to keep it on because it's the only way to add applications to my iPhone when I have to download big size applications through iTunes and add to my iPhone without being interrupted by slow and unstable internet connection. How to make my iPhone don't download applications not exist?

How to turn on FB notifications on my iPhone?

I never get notifications on my phone that show someone commented on my photo etc. I have to physically go into FB and then I see I have like 5 new notifications. How can you fix this on an iPhone?

Are there any good games for Iphone 3gs?

Are there any good games for Iphone 3GS which is free and fun to play ^^? I really need all those good n free games for me to download. Cause I have nothing to play.

My iPhone 3GS is locked to Telenor Sweden, how to unlock it?

How can I unlock my iPhone 3GS which is locked to Telenor Sweden? How I know it is locked: I bought it from a person who had jailbroken it. It was ready for use with all SIM cards. But then, when I tried to update from iTunes, it restored the previous software and wanted to activate the phone. When I clicked Connect to iTunes, it showed me THERE's NO SIM INSTALLED… So that's how I know my iPhone is locked. Where can I pay for my phone to be unlocked?

What's better resolution? My Iphone 5 camera or my eyes

So basically, i took some photos with my iphone 5 the other day and i happened to notice that it was such clear resolution, it actually seemed better than my eyesight! Could it be that apple have actually developed a camera that is betetr than the human eye!

Freezing issues with brand new Sony Vaio laptop with Windows 8?

I just purchased a Sony Vaio E series 15128 laptop with windows 8 today. I have started the laptop regularly and it appeared to be running a little slow after it finished getting started. I thought that this may be because it had not had recent updates installed, so I installed the updates. This however, brought on constant freezing, but somehow finished three updates (of the original 12 updates that it needed). Slowly logging back onto my laptop after restarting from the updates, I tried to update the rest of the 9 that had not been included on the first set of updates, and they would not update. It's progression stays at 0%. My Internet is running fine (I'm accessing it perfectly from my iPhone right now) and I'm able to access it through google chrome on my laptop, but I avoid this as my laptop is constantly freezing even while it isn't doing updates! This is VERY frustrating, and is making my brand new laptop useless right now.

I have been searching the net for various answers and have seen a few similar issues with freezing problems but no solutions and none similar to mine, especially as my laptop is brand new! I have tried opening task manager as I have heard about a mcafee bug, but I don't even have mcafee, I have trend micro.

If anyone can help me with this it would mean a lot.

How to reset an iPhone when you don't know the password and its timed out?

So I bought an iPhone (an older model) from someone on Craigslist, mostly because it was cheaper than buying an iPod touch. Anyways he said it was dead at the time so I didn't really get a chance to look at it but he was selling it to me for 30 dollars so I didn't really care and was willing to take a chance. Well now that I have charged it, it has a password (which I don't know) AND it says it's timed out for the next 6, 317, 764 minutes so I can't even try to unlock it. I've tried restoring it, and I can't get a hold of the person I bought it from, so can someone please tell me how to completely reset it myself? I'm really pissed off and I don't wanna wait that long to be able to restore it.

How to save up for an iPhone 5?

I work in retail and i earn about 10.30 an hour because i'm fairly young. On average i work about 6 hours a week plus 3 hours on Sundays where i earn 17 an hour. I'm so bad with saving though and i always spend it on the first day! I get paid fortnightly. Sorry to be a hassle, but what are good ways of saving? And how long do you think it would take for me to save up enough! They are around $900.

Can't send and receive email by ipad and iphone?

I can't send and receive emaily via my ipad and iphone, its always pop up password required, enter the password for the CalDAV account"Yahoo" and Yahoo! Server Unavailable, but i already tried to input my password, but doesn't work, what's going on?