Suggestions for outdoor video cameras - iPhone compatible?

I'm looking for a video camera I can install outside my front door. Ideally it will connect to my wireless network so I can view the camera from my iPhone or iPad.

Bonus points for:
-Motion sensor
-Battery powered
-Less than $200

Any ideas?

How to make sure if the iPhone is unlocked?

I recently won a giveaway on a certain website of the iPhone 5, but they're located in the UK. I'm not from the UK. It's legitimate, I'm sure. But that's not my problem. My problem is that he's implying that the iPhone's unlocked, but how can I be so sure? Is there something on the packaging that indicated whether the phone inside is locked or unlocked?

My iPhone 3GS has been randomly restarting itself

The screen goes blank then the Apple logo appears, after a few seconds it returns to the home screen and whatever I'm doing is lost. It has been doing this every couple of minutes all day yesterday, then this morning it suddenly returned to normal. What caused this and how can I diagnose/repair future issues?

Added (1). The phone is switched off all night and it started when I switched it on yesterday morning.

Iphone mail problem.password is missing?

I have a lot of problems getting my mails on an Iphone 4S, IOS 6.01.
Mail is not being pushed, I do not prefer that to save my battery --> I always check my mail manually. Today I receive a message that my password is missing (again and again).
On a PC I can read my mail.
What to do?

ITunes won't let me put music on iPhone?

I want to sync about 100 songs onto my phone, I've already got 4, 2 GB free on my phone, but it keeps saying "… Not enough free space to hold all the items in the itunes library (additional 1, 43 GB required)."
100 songs are 5, 6 GB? I don't think so, so can someone please tell me where this is going wrong?

How to unlock iphone 5 legally?

I want to buy a iphone 5 and i live in india. In india the price of iphone 5 is rs 45500 (around $900) and in usa the locked once are just 200 could anyone help me out to unlock a iphone legally

How much space does 80 apps take on your iPhone?

I'm planning on getting an iPhone 5… I'm still not sure if I should get the 16GB one or 32GB. I'm planning on taking lots of videos, pictures, and panoramas. I'll probably have 100 apps on my iPhone 5. Including 400 songs. How much space does 80 apps take up?