Can i go to a Verizon store and get a free sim card for my unactivated iPhone?
I have an unactivated iPhone and wondered if i could get a new one.
I have an unactivated iPhone and wondered if i could get a new one.
Which is more worth it, buying an iphone or a contract iphone. And why?
I have "Blacklist" but my phone still rings and says "Incoming call from BLOCKED" and it allows the random caller to leave a voicemail. I looked at the phone book entry in my phone and added that number to the block list but that only works for 6 months.
I have an iPhone 3GS under an at&t contract. My grandmother just recently passed away and everything is in her name, so the contract is going to be null/void and is going to end without us having to pay the contract anymore and my phone will lose it's service. I have a straight talk sim card that comes with that $45 unlimited activation and I was wondering if I can go ahead and switch to the Straight Talk even though the at&t service is still on my phone? ( I can still make calls and whatnot on at&t, it hasn't stopped yet, but I still wanted to go ahead and switch to my Straight Talk.
P.S. Can I still keep my at&t number as well?
Added (1). What is the "porting" process and what does it consist of? Also, my iPhone is actually jailbroken on IOS 5.1.1, so I can unlock it that way
I woke up this morning after charging my phone overnight, so it was 100% at 5:30 am. I've sent 2 texts to my husband and 2 to my mother. Bluetooth is off, I'm connected to my Wi-Fi so i'm not searching, yet it's now noon and my battery is at 62%. Any ideas what is causing the battery to drain so fast? I've never had Siri so I don't know if that causes it. I thought about roaming and updating towers but I try to dial that and a pop up says I'm unable to dial that from this phone? I'm wondering if anyone else has come across this problem and been able to fix it. I made sure my phone was fully charges also before I activated it.
Hey I'm looking for a case for my iPod touch 5. I was wondering if it's the same size as the iPhone 4 (or 5?) so can I get a case for that and use it for my iPod? Thanks so much for any help you can give! Enjoy your day.
I have had this problem for a while now. But whenever I restarted my phone with the charger in it started to work. I have cleaned all metal prongs in the USB and the part that plugs into the iPhone, this has not fixed it. The phone is not jail broken I'm just wondering if there's any easy way to fix it.
I have been very nervous about putting my phone on "Do Not Disturb" when I go to sleep, afraid that my alarm will not go off the next morning. Will it still? Thanks!
Added (1). I can't "experiment" because I can't risk my alarm not going off in the morning.
I have a sprint iphone 4 8gb but this iphone doesn't have sim card slot or either sim card and i want to know if i can to unlock it to use it with any carrier, i don't know if can be possible. I need to do this, let me know if i can do it.
Okay so the other day my iphone 3GS got ran over by a car. It is completely smashed into pieces, the sim card does still work tho if that matters. Is there any way that i can get my pics off of this broken phone? Maybe using the sim card or something.whenever i put the sim into another phone, it doesn't transfer any of my pics tho./: please help!