My iphone can't find my Wi-Fi connection?

My iphone 3gs used to be able to connect to my Wi-Fi from my room and have a strong signal (it's a small house) My phone can't even find the connection in my room now, it just went off suddenly and everything I have tried has not worked, I can get the Wi-Fi if I'm a few meters away but no more, anyone know why?

Does otterbox offer a warranty for their cases?

I just ordered an otterbox defender hybrid for my iphone 4 on amazon. When i opened it, the screen protector was messed up. There's scratchs, and even a dent. I can't return to amazon now, so could i send it in to otterbox?

Is it possible to record phone calls on the iPhone? If so, how?

I've been getting threatening phone calls from a private number and since I can't trace the private number, I've decided to try and record the phone calls. Is there any apps, or a way, or even suggesting how I could possibly do it? I was thinking of putting it on loud speaker and recording it with a cassette or something.

Is the iOS 6.1 update on iPhone 3 safe to update?

On my first iPhone there were problems, and the update didn't help it wiped out everything and among other things had to get a new iPhone. The iPhone I have now works, so should I risk this update? It's a 3GS.

Why won't my iphone activate?

I updated my iphone to IOS 6
and now i can't activate it on my iphone it says: your iphone could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavilabe try connecting your iphone to itunes to activate it or try again in a couple of minutes
if this problem persists contact apple support at and
on itunes it says there's no sim card in the iphone your are attempting to activate
please disconnect and insert a sim card in the iphone

How to get Gems in Monster Quest?

I have been playing the iOS game Monster Quest for a while now, and I still don't know how to get Gems, I only have 8 Gems but I have 2, 705 Gold. Can you only buy the Gem's? If you want to know what game it is just Google "Monsters Quest iPhone"

About cydia crashing after restarting?

Hi friends I got one problem on jail breaking my iOS, I have iOS 6.0.1, I jailbreak it with the help of redsnow and I have cydia on my phone, when I restart my iPhone my cydia, safari, weather, calendar are crashed I rejailbreak it and I got them back but when I restart my iPhone they repeatedly crashed, please help me frnds