Pictures taken from an Apple iPhone?

Lately I've seen pictures taken with an Apple iPhone and they all have black borders around the picture, either the top & bottom or the sides of the picture. Do all Apple iPhones leave this border around pictures or does the owner create the border themselves?

How to delete apps on IPhone?

I want to delete non preinstalled apps from my iPhone 4S. I know to hold down the app until it "wiggles" but no X is in the corner. When I first got the phone I could delete apps but after a couple updates the X disappeared! How do I remove the apps without the X?

Nike and iPhone shoes/sensor?

I heard about getting a certain pair of Nike shoes and you can sync them with your iPhone or something.

Well I want to look into this, I have an iPhone 4S if that matters.

But ABOUT how much do these shoes cost? Does the sensor thing come with it or bought separately? If so, how much is the sensor? Where can I buy these shoes and/or sensor?

Should i ship via, ups or usps?

I sold an iPhone on eBay for 240 dollars. I will be shipping it tomorrow. He paid 15 usd for shipping but i have heard bad things about shipping via USPS. Should i ship it via ups and pay about 23 dollars?

How much does the iphone 5 cost per month?

I have a pantech phone through at&t and every few years you can upgrade to a different phone for free. Well now I can upgrade and the iphone 5 is an option.

How much does and iphone 5 most per month with everything on it. Unlimited everything plus internet and whatever else there's haha. I don't know anything about what is on a iphone so I just want everthing.

Why did my iphone randomly break?

I woke up. Checked my twitter, it was working, no scratches, nothing. I placed it on my bed (it was cushioned and safe). Got dressed, did my makeup, went downstairs for breakfast, came back upstairs, placed my phone on my dresser on top of my homework. I went, brushed my teeth, came back to my room to get my homework, picked my phone up, though "thats weird, why is there white paint on my phone?" i further inspected it and noticed that there's a huge white crack at the top of my iphone 4s. I ran downstairs, cursing, and was at least relieved that it still "worked" (the lock screen would turn on" i then tried to unlock my phone and the touch screen wouldnt work (my phone is now basically a brick with a watch attached to it).IM So CONFUSED AND SAD BECAUSE NOW MY PARENTS ARE MAKING ME GET AN LG RUMOUR IF I CAN't GET IT REPAIRED.
also, i'm with rogers, i live in canada and i got my iphone late april of this year (2012) would it be under warranty? Are iphone screens fixable? Any guesses to how much it would cost? Anyone have any random explanations for why my phone broke? (my family and my dog 100% did not go near my phone or break it, it was in the same spot i left it, only broken… ) thank you!

Can you read your texts? AT&T?

I have an iPhone 4S and was wondering if my texts are visible on the AT&T site? Like can someone read what I'm saying?