I woke up. Checked my twitter, it was working, no scratches, nothing. I placed it on my bed (it was cushioned and safe). Got dressed, did my makeup, went downstairs for breakfast, came back upstairs, placed my phone on my dresser on top of my homework. I went, brushed my teeth, came back to my room to get my homework, picked my phone up, though "thats weird, why is there white paint on my phone?" i further inspected it and noticed that there's a huge white crack at the top of my iphone 4s. I ran downstairs, cursing, and was at least relieved that it still "worked" (the lock screen would turn on" i then tried to unlock my phone and the touch screen wouldnt work (my phone is now basically a brick with a watch attached to it).IM So CONFUSED AND SAD BECAUSE NOW MY PARENTS ARE MAKING ME GET AN LG RUMOUR IF I CAN't GET IT REPAIRED.
also, i'm with rogers, i live in canada and i got my iphone late april of this year (2012) would it be under warranty? Are iphone screens fixable? Any guesses to how much it would cost? Anyone have any random explanations for why my phone broke? (my family and my dog 100% did not go near my phone or break it, it was in the same spot i left it, only broken… ) thank you!