Iphone esn still linked to verizon account?

I just bought 2 iphones for verizon used. I checked the esn's online and they came up bad. I text the guy and got the text on one of the phones. I assume the esn must be good if I got his text on it? Does he just need to call Verizon and have the phones deactivated?

Added (1). BTW he restored the phones before I got them. When I set them up they activated.

Will an iphone 5 from US A work in india?

I was planning to ask my aunt, who stays in the USA, to get me an iphone 5. Will it work in india? I was thinking to get the 199$ iphone 5.am i doing the right thing? Or should i get an unlocked iphone? And does vodafone provide nano sims? And what is the approximate cost for unlocking an iphone 5 in india… Please reply soon.

Charging iPhone at night while sleeping?

Brain tumor question! Please help me!

Every night, I fall asleep with my iPhone on, charging in my iHome on my bedside table, playing calming music, about… Oh, I'd say two feet at the most, and one foot at the least away from my head.
Is this unhealthy to do? If so, why? Please answer!
PS, I sometimes have it on airplane mode, but prefer not to, because I get texts from people in different time zones. But, if I need to, I will turn it on airplane mode.

How to delete messages off an Iphone 4s?

Okay so I have an Iphone 4s. I know how to delete messages that are in your inbox, that is easy. But i went to the far left screen (the search bar screen) and typed one letter and all my deleted messages came up and I could read them all there although they had been deleted. Is there a way to make it so you can't see my deleted messages on the search bar?

Should i switch from an iPhone to galaxy s3?

I have had an iPhone since the original iPhone, and it has never disappointed. After all these years i kind of want a change. I'm also an adult and should start paying my phone bill and don't think i want to spend all the money on an iPhone with AT&T. I would like to find out personal opinions on if its worth switching, where is it cheapest for unlimited data and messaging(i don't need many minutes). If i've had my one and only love, iPhone for so long, will i end up just switching back?

Will 1GB of data a month be enough for an iPhone?

I'm thinking of getting an iPhone, but only the small plan, which has only 1GB of data a month.
The only thing I go on the internet for on my phone is Facebook.
Will it be enough data?
Or will it be constantly looking for updates and stuff and use internet data? My old phone did that and took away heaps.

How to get to unknown album or artist on iphone 5 music app?

I just got an iphone 5 today and synced my music from my macbook pro ti mi iPhone but some songs are under unknown for artist and album. There isn't an unknown option to choose from artist or album. I can only get to them if i look it up in songs. Any help?

Changing the battery in iPod/iPhone? - 2

What's the deal with how to change the battery in an iPod? You bring it to a store then what? Do they change it right there, Because I don't really want them taking it with all of my data on it. I don;t know what these "Geniuses" are going to do with my personal info. I mean, yeah I have a passcode, but still.
Could someone fill me on on how that works.

And also, when the battery is swapped, do I have to put All the data back from iTunes, or is their any internal memory that can hold at least the iOS?

It seems no one has ever had their battery changed and are only interested in giving their opinion as to what they think some random person will care about. I'm not interested in your opinion of what you think might happen, or advice on what I should care about. Just actual knowledge of the matter itself.

I can't log into the YouTube app on my iPhone?

When I usually log into my YouTube account, I log in with my username. But the app ask for the email, which unfortunately I do not know. Is there a way I can log in the app with my username not the email. I'm tired of using the safari version.