I fully charge my iPhone and use it till it drains all the time. Is this good or bad?
I basically do full battery cycles almost every time cause I fully charge the phone and use it till it dies.
Is this good or bad for the battery?
I basically do full battery cycles almost every time cause I fully charge the phone and use it till it dies.
Is this good or bad for the battery?
Ok here's he deal I made a mistake texting this guy and our convo want disappear so I'm going to erase all content and settings and see if it'll disappear! What will I loose?!
I heard that the PS Vita has almost no games, and the few it does have all suck. While the iPhone on the other hand, has possibly thousands of games, some of which are for hardcore gamers and are actually really good. Comparable to the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Where can I watch pretty little liars S1 on my iphone?
I've tried all ways possible my top button doesn't work so i don't know how to unfreeze it but i don't wanna contact the apple store is there any other ways besides resetting it?
I always just buy songs from iTunes on my phone and I don't know how to put my music and photos onto my computer. I need to do this because I'm about to get a new phone. Please please help.
I just got my stepmom's old iPhone 4. My dad had jailbroken it on iOS 5.1.1 using Redsn0w. Now whenever I try to activate/sign into iMessage or FaceTime, after about 15-20 seconds, and error pops up saying,"Activation Failed/Unsuccessful". My uncle has the same problem on his iPhone 4(jailbroken on iOS 5.0.1).Is there a way to fix this? I don't like always using my iPod Touch to iMessage.
Should I update my iPhone 4S to iOS 6?
I'm stupid and I clicked on some spam in a twitter message so now tweets appear that I did not post. I want to delete the twitter account from my phone and start over. Is there any way I can do it from the mobile app? If so please explain
I tired repairing my rubber phone case cuz it was ripped up bad and now its fixed but i made a bunch of stains all over it and i need to get it off.