My iPhone broke, What shall i do?

My iPhone 4 broke from water damage, i'd say… About 2 months ago. I have taken it into this shop and they said they couldn't repair it because it has been looked at before and there are one or two screws missing. I'm paying for this phone i'm not even using! Is there any other way of getting it fixed, i'm not on insurance. My step dad said something about giving it into the Apple shop and they will give me a new one if i give them some money. Is this true?

Can i get ios5 instead of ios6?

Iphone 3gs currently on 4.1, i want the jailbreak, so need to keep to ios5 for now, how do i do this without getting the full 6.1?

Why does my iphone say no service?

I got a IPhone 4s literately 30 minutes ago! I was setting it up an i put my sim in and it says 'no service' on the top. Does anyone know how i could fix it?

My iPhone 3GS is messing up?

I have an IPhone 3GS and it won't let me update it at all I have tried to have my Friends help to they can't also… My phone won't let me get on my Internet but when it does It knocks me out back to my main page on my phone… I can't down load any apps I can't get on any apps all I can really do is call and txt and most the time that is messed up but not all the time… DOES THIS MEAN MY IPHONE Is CRASHING? If so is it doing it slowly and if that is so they only way I can get a new on is if it completely is crashed how do I do that?

Make your iPhone seem disconnected to callers?

I want to temporarily make my phone seem disconnected to all callers. Like, play the "I'm sorry but the number you are trying to reach… " message. Is there an app or a way to make my phone appear to not work but I can still see who called and receive texts?

How to put pictures from my iPhone to my computer without iCloud? - 1

I need to put images from my iphone 4 to my computer but my computer doesn't have the latest version of whatever so I can't use icloud. I was hoping for some sort of drag and drop option? You know like with other simpler phones you plug it into your computer, there's a folder, you drag and drop what you want onto your desktop and its done? Can I do that? Or is there any other option other than using icloud?

I have ATT and getting extra charges?

I have an iPhone with AT&T, I have unlimited texting and mobile to mobile calling, a 3072 MB data plan. I have not gone over on data, not even close, and I'm being charged extra for "Text/I'm
Messaging MKT SMS DOMESTIC $0MSG I'm/ INT $0.25MO - MKT2 Int'l Text Messaging Billed" Under s section in the bill that says pay-per-use usage. Someone tells me it's roaming charges but I've been in New York and I never left. So what are these extra charges for? The ATT phone lines are down right now and I can't even call them

IPhone 5 can't send SMS - error when sending SMS?

All my problems i should send to my local carrier, which refused to help me, because iPhone 5 sales are not officialy started in Russia.

Only way you can buy this phone is from shady dealers, that are taking a trip to US or Europe and purchasing it for further reselling in Russia. That's why it's USD 1500 for 16gb instead of much lower original price. That dealers won't provide you an original invoice, so at this point i'm totaly forceless.

However i'm a legitimate customer, i always pay for my stuff full price, not using any of jailbreaks or anything. But who cares…

As i said, i spend over an hour on the phone with Apple Care US, and they told me that there's no-one working on my case, and no-one will be.