Can Iphone from be unlocked?

If i buy iphone 4 or 4s with at&t or verizon or sprint contract. Bring it to india and unlock it to use indian sims.

Where can I watch Dragonball Z episodes online for free with the FUNimation dub?

I can't find any websites that have all the episodes with this dub! I need videos in the format of the videos on because I'm on my iPhone so it doesn't support some of the videos that require flash players and all that. The videos on have a different dub. I need episodes 38 onward. I would buy the remastered FUNimation DVDs but I just don't have enough money to buy them right now. Please let me know of any links or any places I can watch the FUNIMATION DUB, NO DOWNLOADS/ FLASH PLAYER REQUIREMENTS!

How to fix my contacts on my iphone?

I just got the iphone 5 and it's been great up until this morning. Somehow my contacts section is showing everyone i'm friends with on facebook. I don't want this to be the case! What happened to my old contacts list? Help!

Added (1). Awesome thank you Mario!

If I update my software on my iPhone, will it go back to being locked?

About a year ago now, I got my boyfriends old phone - which at the time was locked to o2. I got the phone unlocked as my sim card is Orange. The man said that I had to keep it on the oldest software update, and if I updated it, the iPhone would go back to being locked to o2. HOWEVER, I accidentally deleted some of my apps, which now to get back requires the new software. Does anyone know IF I update it, will it ACTUALLY go back to being locked to o2?

Should I upgrade to iPhone 5 or 4S?

I currently own an iPhone 3GS. IPhone 5 has not yet arrived where I live, and is (obviously) going to be pricier than the 4S.
I was wondering whether I should wait for the iPhone 5 and invest more money or go with the now cheaper 4S.
Note that LTE is not supported in my country as of now.

Any comment will be apreciated.

Winter gloves for texting and typing?

I work nights and have to use a keyboard all the time. I also have an iPhone. I want to buy a pair of gloves in Delhi which I won't have to take off every time I use my phone or the keyboard. I apologize if I chose a wrong category

How to sync music to my iphone without erasing everything?

On my computer I wiped the whole computer then I installed iTunes again but I get all my music for free from other sites so when I try and sync it won't work I've done the manually move that says erase and I've done the sync music it says the same and this is the original computer it's been on so how do I sync new music to my iphone without removing everything?

Confused! Does he like me or not?

Me and my crush met about a month ago and started texting a few days later. He's my best friends cousin so we met through her. When we first started talking he asked me to go to his football game and after that he texted me first 3 days in a row. Things went really good that week. It was obvious he liked me. Then things kinda got weird. I started a couple convos and they barely lasted. I think it was because we had nothing to talk about. But I don't know. Then not this past week but the week before we didn't text at all. But last Sunday he snapchatted me (iphone app where you send pictures back and forth) and wished me a happy birthday. It was really a really cute picture. But then after that we didn't text this week either. So friday I snapchatted him and said hi. And he said "hey beautiful" and then we were snapchatting until he had to go to his game. Everything seemed fine. It seems like we're comfortable with eachother because we were sending weird faces back and forth without worrying how dumb we looked. We're just both able to be ourselves. But now we haven't talked since then and I'm just confused. I don't wanna keep initiating first because I feel annoying.

We go to different school's so it's not like we get to see eachother everyday. And for example. We have off school because of this stupid hurricane. So I'm sure we're both gonna be sitting in our houses bored today.