Should I get the black iPhone 5 or the white?

You see, for Christmas I'm getting an iPhone 5. But the question is; Black or White? I have a black Apple TV, and iPad 2, but a Macbook Air (which is white and silver). I've always wanted matching, since before any of these other products that belong to me, I had the black iPhone 4.To me, I see the white iPhone screaming "Look at me! I'm a try hard Apple owner! I'm so chic!", though the black looks a little too… Dull. The back of the white iPhone 5 looks like it's been scratched, while the black one looks… Hmm… Pretty! BUT; the black edition seems to blend to much like the previous versions, while the white looks smart and new.

So, can somebody please help me?

Added (1). Oh! And my friend had a bday today and got the white one, and don't want to seem to "copy-cat" isn. It didn't looks so nice when I saw that one in person, but then again, I had green envious eyes!

Iphone won't sync with laptop?

I recently got a new laptop since my old one completely died on me and my iphone absolutely will not sync up with the new laptop. I authorized itunes on it and logged in and everything and it looks like its syncing but when i check my phone, nothing has transferred from itunes onto the phone. When i click transfer purchases from phone to itunes, it does that but not the other way around. Help!

Added (1). I have the 10.7 version

Iphone 4s recoverymode loop fix?

My iphone 4s struck in recovery mode loop, when ever i try to restore it using itunes getting the same result each time… Unable to go to dfu mode. And restoration is also not working can anyone help me?
i'm using windows 7
i try to restore it using redsnow but that also not working… Help please

How long will the sell the iPhone 4S?

I would like to get my daughter the iPhone 4S for Christmas this year, but since they just came out with the iPhone 5 I don't know how long they will have it. She has told me she doesn't want the iPhone 5, so I was hoping to get the 4S. The service provider we have is Verizon Wireless.

How to know if my iPhone is using iMessage or texts?

I have an iPhone 5 with no texting plan( everyone has iPhone so there's kinda no point in paying when there's iMessage) and when I turn I message on it says activation unsucsessful but to test it I sent a text from my iPod touch and I received it on my phone, so is this using iMessage? My iPhone still says iMessage activation unsuccessful but I did receive the text and on the top of the chat it says IMessage so is it working or am I paying per text?

How to protect my iPhone from breaking?

I just bought an iPhone 4S today and I have school this week, I purchased a protective case online today but it won't come in the mail for another week. What should I do to protect my fragile iPhone from breaking while I'm at school? Most people have otter boxes or protective cases on them, I'm unsure of where to put it in my backpack to keep it safe. Any suggestions?

IPhone 4s? Apple password issues?

I recently got my first smart phone, the iPhone 4s, and I reset my Apple password through my computer, but then it wasn't working through my phone. Then I reset it through my phone, and I can't log in to register my iPhone on my computer…