How to delete ads in sims freeplay iPhone game?
The ads took half of my screen and I can't play the sims due to limited screen space. Please assist.
The ads took half of my screen and I can't play the sims due to limited screen space. Please assist.
I was with Verizon for a long time. THey by far had the best nationwide covereage. Then, in my desire for another Apple product, I switched to AT&T for the iPhone. THeir service is ok. My number one regret is abandoning unlimited data. I have not been on pandora in years, and I miss blasting it everywhere.
My question is simple: is sprint a good provider, in LA? Organge County (South Orange County is where I live)? I know there are loyal fans that will say yes immediately, but I'm interested in responses from those who have recently switched from AT&T or Verizon. Are you happy? Would you do it again?
Ok so I got the iphone 5 from sprint like 4 days ago and where I live I barely ever get 4g LTE service or whatever its called… Which is fine cuz my iphone 4 didn't and it worked just fine. But the only way my facebook app will work is if i'm connected to Wi-Fi and it still hardly will update. I've deleted the app over and over and reset my phone and everything. I also can't send picture messages! Every time I go send one it says message fail. It will randomly let me send one here and there but 9 out of 10 times it won't sent. Its just so annoying, I was just wondering if anyone else was having this issue before i call sprint customer service and yell at them, lol.thanks!
Added (1). -- also tho my service is good i have all full bars and its in 3g… I don't really care that i can't get the 4g cuz thats my own fault where i live but that shouldnt make the whole phone suck lol
I have an old 4gb iPod nano and want to put a few of my favorite artists on it so that when I have it on my docking station I can still use my iPhone 4s
When i do this it goes over 4gb so I clicked the option to convert to a lower rate song
Obviously this will change the quality of the song when it is on the iPod (which doesn't matter because it isn't the main one i will use) but will it affect the original file on my PC and on my iPhone?
Because I still want the original high rate songs on there because they have much higher memory
Please answer!
I accidentally locked my boyfriend out of his phone using Find my IPhone a few weeks ago. Long story.
Bottom line is that he had to restore his phone. He had it back it up via icloud, but he hadn't backed it up using icloud since August. When he restored it via icloud, everything was normal except for his iMessage and his pictures. His iMessage wouldn't work all weekend, and finally after messing with it, it finally started working.
Although, his pictures still haven't loaded. They are on 96 out of 300. We have tried restarting his phone. Should we reset all settings and data? I don't want to have to fix his iMessage again, he just wants his pictures back.
I want the white iPhone 4s for Christmas this year and I was wondering how much it would cost the phone itself and everything else. Also the provider will be Verizon Wireless.
Please explain c l e a r l y…
One last thing, where can I get good iPhone covers and screen protecters?
(Online or at the mall)
Preferably, c h e a p…
If I turn Wi-Fi off my iphone does it still use up data? MB?
I like to buy Iphone 3GS phone, Currently I have Nokia phone having Vodafone Sim card.
So can I use same SIM and phone no with Iphone 3GS. Please let me know if I buy IPhone how to activate and use this phone. And what is factory unlocked means.
True difference between iphone and smartphone?
So my mom is getting me a christmas present, its about three weeks before i will be opening it (on thanksgiving) and i'm curious what it is. All i know is that it is very expensive and she pre ordered it today, so it must be a limitted product, it is not an iphone, because i already have the newest one. What do you guys think