Why won't my iphone save images from mobile apps?

I recently got an iphone 4, and I like to save images from the app We heart it, but whenever I try to, it says, error! Image failed to save, EVERYTIME. It works on my ipod touch, but why not my iphone?

What does shipment backordered' mean?

I ordered an iPhone last night on my debit card, and I checked my status today and it says "Backordered".help?

Added (1). @ Pat,
I'm actually 18, so I guess I haven't quite gone through the full grown proccess yet.

How to convince Verizon to give me a free iPhone with free data plan?

Okay so i have had my crappy Samsung slide phone for about a year and can't switch my contract now, but my phone won't work. I was on the phone with verizon and they won't work with me what is something that will help me get them to give me the iphone (anyone) for free with free data? If you help me i will seriously love you forever.

How to block number on iPhone 4S?

So my ex keeps messaging me and I don't want to talk to him so is there a way that I can block his messages so I don't see them? I only want to block it for a couple days so I can think straight. So is there a free app that allows me to turn it off and on? One that works please.

How to safely install apps without paying? Iphone 4s?

My niece has iphone 4s and updated( iOS from 5 to 6) and now she's been working on it for 5 days
she wants something like jailbreak but it won't work and when i downloaded it on pc said it doesn't support device the iphone and to download the apps without paying how can this be possible someone said the apple are now closing threads that allows people to make an app free whatsapp is very important to her.

How to make a YouTube video on an iPhone 4?

Okay so I've got a YouTube account and I want to make a video on my iPhone. I've already got the video in my camera roll on the iPhone but I don't know how to do it can someone walk me through the process?

How to tell if my iphone is factory unlocked?

I went to a phone store near my house and they unlocked my iPhone 3GS and put in a prepaid SIM card. Everything is working fine so far. I just want to know if there's a way for me to determine if my phone is truly factory unlocked?

Trying to restore new iPhone but no backups available?

My old iPhone's battery is screwed so they sent me a new iPhone 4. I want to restore it using iCloud but whenever I click 'restore through iCloud' and type in my Apple ID, it says that there are no backups available! But I know there are, I just did a backup on my old iPhone 4!
I can't plug it into iTunes for two reasons; I don't have my computer here and I hate using iTunes.
What's wrong?
I just updated my old iPhone 4 to iOS 6 a couple weeks ago. I read that maybe I should set up my new iPhone 4 as a new phone, update it to iOS 6, and then restore through iCloud but can I do that?
How do you do this?

Just switched from android to Iphone?

So yesterday I got an iphone as A gift. A black 4s and the phone I had previously was a Epic 4g, a droid. All I gotta say is WHOA. Lol there's so much i CAN't do: C i can't just download music, edit my home screen however I want. Have an App drawer and take everything else off my screen. I don't understand it honestly XD I heard that "Jailbreaking" your phone allows you to do these things. What is Jail breaking, how can I do it, will it ruin my phone, what is its purpose?

How to take Screen shot on my iphone?

I would like to take a pic of things i'm actually looking at on my iphone so I can save to my photos, is there a app for that? For example if i'm scrolling on IG an see a pic I wanna save by taking a picture of my screen.

Added (1). Yay thank you guys! Much appreciated!

Added (2). Yay thank you guys! Much appreciated!