Can an iphone 4 be hacked into?

My friedn said it could be but can it would they have acsess to all your media also would they be able to hack your camera and sorta spy on you if they wanted to? Lmao I heard it can only get virsuses if it was jailbroken

Why won't my Iphone 4s connect to my new HP laptop?

I just bought my laptop about 2 days ago and i downloaded itunes. As soon as i plugged in my iphone, a background noise popped up, and nothing happened. So i opened itunes and it would not show my iphone. Also in my computer, it did not register it either.

PS: i know its not a faulty cord, because i tried 3 different ones, and every time i plug it in or unplug it makes that background noise.

How to edit photos on iPhone 4?

I see people uploading their photos they take on the iPhone and they seem smaller in size than when I try to up load them to ex: fb or instagram. I see whole screen shots and when I try to upload it, I have to crop se
Of the picture out. If that makes any sense to anyone lol. Please help! If you know how to edit photos or make the image smaller.

New FB update cover photo iPhone?

Is anyone not being able to change their cover photo on the iPhone with the new Facebook update today? Someone needs to tell Mark Zuckerberg! Haha

IPhone 4 stuck at black screen?

Okay, first off it is NOT jailbroken. The home button is broken, and doesn't work very often. Basically, it puts itself into DFU mode. Getting it out is simple, I have to hold down the home button and the lock button for about 5 seconds. This usually makes the apple logo appear, and it will boot normally. It has done this about 10 times in the past week. Normally it takes around 5-10 minutes for me to fix it, but it's already been 2 hours this time. I'm just wondering if there's another way to take it out of DFU mode without use of the home button?

Laptop won't recognize IPhone [USB]?

I have an iPhone 3G, and its charging port is slightly damaged. I'm no techie, but the best way I can describe it is that the right side of that metal sheet [inside the iPhone] that goes in between the USB/charger is slightly bent. My laptop will not recognize my iPhone any more, I plug it into the USB port and nothing happens.
I can charge it, so I think it's something wrong with the USB port. Could you give me suggestions as to what to do? I used to add music pretty regularly prior to this incident… :/

Should I trade in my iphone 4s?

I got my 4s in May since my old phone broke. When I checked on amazon on how much my trade in value is, they said I would get back 415 dollars in an amazon credit. But only catch is I have to trade in by August 29. What should I do?

Added (1). To get the new iphone 5 whenever it comes out

Why won't my iphone and ipad connect with bluetooth?

I have used my iphone as a personal hotspot for my mum's ipad so I know it is possible to do this, but for some reason my iphone and my own ipad can't even see each other - why not and how do I resolve this? I know bluetooth doesn't have a very long range but before anyone suggests that might be an issue I sat the phone on top of the ipad and they still couldn't 'see' each other.
I have a brand new ipad and my iphone software is up to date so I don't think that can be the problem.