Instagram account disabled

I have an instagram account and I do not post any pictures at all, in fact I only posted 6 pictures in about 6 months. I also don't post nudes, obviously. One day I tried signing into my account on my iPhone and it said "Your account has been disabled due to terms of service violations" I then downloaded the app on my iPod and signed in, and it worked. Now my friends can't even sign in on my phone, I can't create a new account on my phone, I can't do anything! I deleted the app and re-installed it. I restarted my phone and then re-installed it. I signed into my friends Apple ID account and re-installed it but nothing would work! I tried everything I could think of, anymore suggestions! Much help needed! :/

How many video games do you own?

Taking a poll for my statistics class, and I figured this would work.

How many video games do you own?

Anything like Farmville or any iPhone/Facebook app do not count.

IPhone 4 and router problem?

The last two weeks I have been having trouble connecting to my wireless router and the last two days it's absolutely impossible. This has never happened in the year and a half that I have had both, my router and iPhone.

I have tried turning off my phone, checking for updates, resetting my router multiple times, deleting the router info right from my phone and adding it again, I've shut off everything else in our house that uses our Wi-Fi and it seems that no matter what I do, that damn thing just won't connect!

Any suggestions?

Added (1). I have cisco router and I'm with Shaw. My husbands iPhone4 connects to the router with zero problems.

Added (2). I have cisco router and I'm with Shaw. My husbands iPhone4 connects to the router with zero problems.

Can you FaceTime with a person from another country?

I have a pen pal, and we decided to video chat on FaceTime, tomorrow for me and later for her. I have an ipod touch and she has an iphone. She lives in Guiyang, China. I have her email added in my contacts. I was just wondering if I can contact her just by calling her or I have to do something else? If I need her country's code number (or something like that) can you tell me it?

Is Sprint a GSM or CDMA network?

When the new iPhone comes out this year, i will purchase this no matter what. I'm with Verizon and am not a happy camper. I want to switch to Sprint. My only question about Sprint is…
Is sprint a GSM or CDMA network?

For anyone who has the IQ app for iPhone?

I can't pass level 25. You have to pay for the bread it says it's 2.20. They give you $2, $1, $.10, $.05

I feel like I've tried everything. Someone please help. If not you guys should download and help me=) it's like #2 on top apps.

I have these abdominal sharp pains that later turn to stomach pains?

I was laying down on my back on my bed watching a movie in my iPhone. Suddenly, these abdominal harsh sharp pains started bothering and I tried to sit up but it was impossible! Then after finally being able to sit up, the pains went away and was replaced with a stomach ache. When it calmed down, I ate 2 cherries and a zip of cherry juice which in return brought back my stomach ache.
Up until now, I still have it. It hurts bad and I feel like using the restroom but then it keeps turning out to be a false alarm.
Right now, I'm drinking orange tea. Does anybody know what this could be? Anyway I can get rid of it for tonight?

How to get Siri on IPhone 4 without a jailbreak?

I'm scared to jailbreak my iPhone 4 bc I've been told it can possibly brake it. Don't want to take that chance can anyone help?
Or help me get the closest app to Siri ( just paid 200 for it!)

My iPhone won't make any sound?

During a phone conversation earlier today, I suddenly stopped hearing the person I was talking to. I later discovered that no noise was coming out of the earpiece. Then I attempted to listen to music. Once again, there was no sound. I tried plugging in my headphones but no music came out of them either. My phone makes absolutely no noise whatsoever, no key clicks or lock sounds, and they are all turned on. I tried putting it on silent and it won't even vibrate. I tried a restore on my computer but it didn't change anything.