Hopefully you could help out. Thanks in advanced.
My father and mom are currently on a Verizon plan. They agreed to buying me the new iPhone 4S, but with the iPhone 5 coming out soon, hopefully will the price go down? I'm not interested in buying the 5, however.
My father has a smartphone and my mother has a basic phone. I'm not quite sure what plan they are currently on, but we were thinking of adding me on to a family plan. I do currently own an iPod Touch 3Gen, and I don't use a lot on it, I have roughly 30 songs on it, and I might add a movie on it once or twice, but I checked with only my songs on, and I have a few apps, I currently have 6.1 GBs free on it. With that in mind, what would be the best data plan for all of us, myself included? Keep in mind I do want to use Siri and Siri requires internet.
What would be the monthly cost?