How to put my music onto itunes from iphone?

I have an iphone and it was connected to the itunes on my old laptop computer. My old laptop's hard drive was wiped a few weeks ago and I got a new laptop. One of the first things I did was add itunes onto it. BUT! I tried to sync my iphone to my account and it added the iphone, but my music didn't transfer. When I clicked on the option to do so, it said everything from my phone would be wiped. How do I get all my music onto itunes without wiping the phone? I need to know because I'm hoping to get the iphone 4s for Christmas and I have a ton of music on my phone and I do not want to lose any of it in the process of switching iphones.

Iphone 4 vs 4s memory issue?

My spouse has an iphone 4s and I have the iphone 4. Her memory is 16gb and mine is 32gb. I have maybe 500 songs, 2000 photos, 30 apps and my capacity is saying i used 16 gb of 32. My spouse hasn't even used a third of what i've used. She maybe has 10 apps (none which exeed 40mb space), no more than 500 photos, yet get capacity is up? Her settings say she has used as much as me?

I don't understand?

How does iPhone Factory Unlock work?

Can anybody here please tell me how iPhone factory unlock works? I mean third party unlock service providers just ask for name and IMEI number and provide unlocking service in a few days. How do they do that? I mean how do they put that in Apple database? I would appreciate your help.

Nike+ Running App on the iPhone 4 (problem)?

I have a Nike account and I signed in all right. I got to the screen that says "Run Setup" and I set it up as a Basic run with no music and no 'cheers'. But when I tap Begin Run nothing happens. The screen just stays as it was before and no matter how many times I press the button nothing will happen.
For any clarification, I'm using an iPhone 4.

Computer Audio lower volume?

When I use earphones with my laptop, it appears to lower the sound of loud tones in songs so that it isn't as loud. So it would be louder and louder then it would sharply decrease in volume.

When I do not use earphones, my computer plays everything perfectly fine. When I use earphones on my iPhone playing the same song/file, everything is perfectly fine. So I think it is a setting on my computer, rather than my earphones or music file.

I tried these with both new and old earphones. Same result

Can someone please help resolve this?


Added (1). How do I check this? I run Windows 7.

When I right-click sounds, do I check Playback Devices or sounds?
What do I look for?

How to erase words my iphone has learned?

I have asked this question before, but maybe i didn't explain my situation properly: P My iPhone has taken to replacing certain words (namely "Nìght" every time i try to type "night") I have already gone into my reset settings and reset my keyboard dictionary, but the phone still tries to replace these words. Is there anything else i can do to "un-train" my phone and reset these mistakes?

Is Virgin Mobile a good carrier? Iphone?

Hi, I'm interested in purchasing an apple iphone 4s from virgin mobile. Their plans are significantly cheaper than at&t or verizon and i don't have to be in a contract. But I don't know how good the internet is. I live in Florida so the network should be everywhere. But will it take a long time to load pages, will calls drop?