Internet on my laptop is not working? - 1
So here's the thing.
The Internet on my laptop (Dell XPS 17, Win 7) is not working. Yet, all the other Wi-Fi enabled devices in my home are. E. G.iPad, Apple Mac, iPhone, HP Desktop.
I have tried everything to my knowledge to try and fix the problem and I have run out of ideas.
Things I have tried are: Trouble shooting, shutting down and restarting, direct connection through Ethernet, deleting some unwanted programs, trying to access modem IP from browser (and failing).
I should also mention that it is picking up and connecting to my Wi-Fi, it just has a small little "!" inside a triangle (I'm pretty sure it's called a "caution sign" I just didn't know for sure so I described it).
Could someone please help, it's been like this for 3 days now and it's becoming an inconvenience.