My iPhone doesn't work and I don't have insurance?

So I have the iPhone 4 under contract with Verizon. I got it around November or December I believe. The free warranty it brings has expired, hasn't it? Okay so yesterday at a concert, water accidentally got spilled on my phone. I can see the water in the screen. It messed up the screen so much I can barely see on it. Also my speakers don't work.can't even call anyone because I can't hear them. And now it died because it had no more battery left, and when I tried charging it it wouldn't work.
Although I know this is physical damage and not verizon's own fault, before this happened the power/lock button at the top had stopped working. It stopped working around a month ago. I think it got jammed or stuck or something, but when I looked it up on the internet it appears I'm not the only one this has happened to. It happens to a lot of people's iPhones. Now this is the phone's fault.

And I don't know what to do. Would Verizon give me a new phone? I'm only like a year or less with my contract. Would I have to buy a new contract to get a new phone? I need a new phone as soon as possible since it doesn't work anymore.

Does iPhone 4 work on both GSM and CDMA networks?

Can iPhone 4 also work oversea (not in USA)?

Added (1). Can I take my Verizon iPhone 4 (CDMA) to work on Europe GSM network? Does Verizon iPhone 4 take GSM's chip so that I can insert a chip when I travel oversea?

Added (2). Can I take my Verizon iPhone 4 (CDMA) to work on Europe GSM network? Does Verizon iPhone 4 take GSM's chip so that I can insert a chip when I travel oversea?

How to get songs from CD to iPhone?

Hi. I have gotten as far as getting songs from the CD to my iTunes account, but can't figure out how to download the songs onto my iPhone. How do i do this? Written directions would be great.

Dropped iPhone in the toilet? - 1

Earlier I dropped my iPhone 3GS in the toilet, it was in there probably for 8 seconds when i took it out and dried it with a towel. I checked to see if it worked, and it allowed me to text. But when I had someone call me, the sound didn't work. I then proceeded to put the phone in rice. But now, the circle button at the bottom doesn't work, so I'm stuck on the messaging screen and can't leave it. Also, the "Voice Memo" screen keeps popping up as well as the "Unable to Charge with this Charging Device" screen, even though I'm not trying to charger it.
I have had this phone for over two year and my contract is up, so I'm due for a new phone.
But am I going to have to pay full price for the 4s or will I get some kind of discount since my contract is up?
I don't want to spend more than $100 on an iPhone because the new one is supposedly coming out.