Middle finger hurts when I stretch it and completely close it! Really bad pain

So I was walking up the stairs and then my middle finger randomly hurt when I went it upwards (like stretching my finger)… I'm so worried, I managed to find where about the pain is, it's like below the knuckle but it hurt the rest of the bottom of my finger (it's like someone put a needle into my finger there)

So if I stretch it on its own it hurts and then if I get my other middle finger and put that on the bottom of the middle finger tat hurts tip and get my thumb from my other hand and put it over the bottom of the knuckle and I force it to stretch it hurts so much (if that makes sense)
It's deffo around my knuckle area it hurts so bad


I use my iphone a lot but all that finger does it hold the phone with my index finger, it's my thumbs that do all the typing etc

I don't know what's wrong with it, it's hurting as I type (on the computer) too (at times, but a mild pain not major)

I don't want anything wrong with it I'm so scared! Is it serious! My mum says it should go in a few days I don't know what's wrong with it!

(Prior to the pain I was stroking my cat in her neck area - they love that LOL- but that didn't affect my other fingers so I dunnoooo)

Compiler for objective c (iPhone) development?

I need to develop a software for iPhone as my university project. The problem is I don't know what compiler I use as I'm on windows. I don't even know if there's a compiler available for windows platform. Also what are the standard library that you use for developing a GUI app. Lastly I have average knowledge of c++. Will I face much difficulty while developing a app for iphone?

My iphone 4s won't turn on to the home screen why?

Lastnight i was really tired and forgot to put my phone on charge and this morning i did its still showing the low batery thing and that its charging but its been like 2hours why is it taking so long to get a charge and come on Help ME IS SOMETHING WORNG WITH MY PHONE.

Sophisticated iPhone 4 Cases?

I'm a young adult FEMALE looking to buy an iPhone 4 case.
-No hello kitty (sanrio, anything kiddy)
-NOT silicone

I want something sophisticated and classy. Please leave links below.

How to transfer music from iTunes to iPhone without syncing?

I bought a new computer because the previous one crashed and transferred my purchases from my iPhone to iTunes, but it didn't transfer the songs I got from CDs.

Now that I've bought another album, I'm having trouble transferring this album to my iPhone without iTunes asking me to erase and sync… Which would result in my losing my CD music.

I've looked on other forums online but can't find an answer… Please help?

Stuff to do on a 12 hour road trip?

So I'm moving, and I'm gonna be on the road for 12 hours or more. I need to know what stuff I can do to occupy myself during the trip. I'm gonna sleep a lot of course, but I need more ideas. We're gonna stop a few times for food & loo breaks. I'll have my laptop w/ a car charger, iphone, and possibly kindle or 3ds, if i can find their chargers. My laptop is a macbook pro, if that helps for any apps i could download. My iphone has some music on it, but no games since it has no space left on it, so I can't download any apps. I can download games to my computer though! I have minecraft, penumbra requiem, penumbra black plague, and a few apps like a monster ate my homework. I'd love some game suggestions & ideas of stuff to do. Thanks, I appreciate it. Xx

Oh wait. For games I enjoy RPGs or short games like cut the rope & action potato. RPGs such as Skyrim or Final Fantasy are my favorite types of games though (:

Added (1). I already have Steam, that's how I have Penumbra. It never works for me in offline.