My 16GB iPhone is low on space?

I have a 16GB iPhone 4S That only has 2GB left of space. I also have a 32GB iPod Touch. I was wondering if there were a way to keep all of my music on the iPod Touch and limit the songs on my iPhone? Because I don't listen to all my music on my phone anyways.

Added (1). I plugged my iPhone into my computer and under the tab that showed the music on my phone, i unchecked a bunch of songs. They are still on my phone though and I'm not sure how to sync only the checked songs. I've synced it twice and the unchecked songs still appear.

All of my contacts on my iphone have disappeared?

A few days ago i synced my iphone to my computer and i just noticed today that my whole contact list has been wiped out.however, all the names of people are still in my messages but it one let me save them to my contacts. I never activated my icloud account until today but i still have a blank contact list.

How to fix my iphone4s speaker?

Okay here's my problem, my iphone's speaker is not working when I call or receive them okay, but when i play videos in iphone i can listen to the audio but when i call it doesn't. What shall I do?

Talking Tom Cat 2 Iphone app problem?

Hello friends…
I Download talking tom cat 2 ipa for iphone (Cracked) and install it with installous 5.
it was installed normaly but cennot run…
other all apps is runing.

Why does everyone want an iphone?

I have this phone:, Q_610_610x467.png and although it's not an iphone, I love it. Came out a week ago. I just don't understand why people want an iphone.

How to wash my iPhone otter case?

It's a pink and white case and it's really dirty but I need to clean it. The pink part is clean but the white part not so much. The white part is rubber.

How to set up automatic rotating reminders in my everyday environment?

The Problem: I have tried sticky notes, DIY jack-in-the-boxes in my pill jar, Chrome add-ons (Kill Procrastination is a fun one), and otherwise run the gamet on designing my environment to remind me to do the various things I should be doing more often but don't think of.


Do you guys have any suggestions for rotating reminders? I mean, for the first week or so of every novel little trick, it works. It's just when it's been there too long that it fades into the background.

I figure, if there was some way to switch it up automatically, then I would never have any one reminder in the same place long enough to adapt to it. Every day, my relatively new reminder would b e noticeable.

I say my "everyday environment" broadly. Anything I will see everyday. My iPhone background? Desktop background? New tab on my browser? Bathroom mirror?

Is there any app or life hack you guys know of that would let me switch up a message wherever I'd see it, frequently and automatically?

IPhone 4 not receiving text messages?

I have no problem sending messages but I can't receive them, the last message I got was at 11:43 this morning. I didn't drop it or get it went nothing, everything else is working I can call, get notifications from apps. If you had a similar problem and got it fixed I would love to know how thanks.