IOS6 BETA Activation Required?

I downloaded ios6 beta and used it, then when ios6.1 came out i updated to that because i had Wi-Fi at the time. When my iphone informed me that ios6.2 was out, i knew i was screwed because i had no Wi-Fi and i was on holiday, i know that if you don't update within 2 days the server shuts down and your iphone gets locked. So i wake up one morning only to find that my iphone is saying "Activation Required" i don't have a developer account, and i didn't know you needed one for the beta, yes i'm pretty stupid for downloading this beta not knowing what i was getting myself into, and i have definitely learnt my lesson. But i really want to be able to use my iphone again, i can't live without it! I need a solution Please. I tried putting it in DFU mode then restoring (because there's no way it would let me restore normally) and it started the process and at the end itunes just said unknown error, the iphone could not be restored. Then i tried downloading 5.1.1 separately and doing shift restore but that wouldnt work either. I'd rather not jailbreak my iphone because i'd lose my warranty. But i would do anything else to get my iphone working again, i don't care if my stuff gets deleted (i copied my photos and videos onto my computer) please help.

How to add my school email to my iphone Mail?

So i have two yahoo accounts on my iphone which is fine, but i want to add my email at school that they give us i.e. But i don't know what to put in the incoming mail server is or outgoing mail server…
Oh and i think it uses microsoft exchange online or something
my school's website is
and my email site that they operate from it is:

Any tips?

How to run iphone apps on windows 7 PC?

I have the apps but my iphone broke now i wander if you can run iphone apps on windows 7 computer?

maby a virtual box but i don't know any good ones…

I have windows 7 64 bit.

What company make this iphone case?

What company makes the stitch case for the iphone 4. The case is detachable and the ears move. Also do any other companies make cases like this

Why is the iPhone 4s way more expensive in Australia?

I'm thinking of buying an iPhone 4s from Australia but I don't want to pay $600 more than I have to. Why is the iPhone cheaper in America? And can I get one off the American apple store and use it in australia? Any help would be great!

What is the Used Value for a Good Condition Apple iPhone 4s 16GB?

I want to sell used cellphones to craigslist. First I must know what they're used value are.It'd be nice to find a website that tells you the value of a used Cell phone kind of like Kelly Blue Book for cars. I did find this website, but it doesn't show the value for an iPhone 4s.

Iphone data usage? How does it work?

I have Wi-Fi at home and all I'm pretty muchly going to use to Wi-Fi for is listening to pandora on the way to work and on the way home from work. It's a 15 minute drive there and 15 minutes back so 30 minutes a day 5 times a week so 150 minutes of data a week and 600 minutes a month at minimum, depending if I don't you GPS or anything like that. Do you recommend 300 mb or 3G data plan? If so why and does data plan go off the amount of time you are on the internet or the content that you download, because in that case I don't plan on downloading anything just listening to music and getting directions.