How to send pictures wireless from iphone to computer (photo stream)?

I have a iphone 4, and i want to know how to send my pictures from my phone to my laptop, i have i cloud set up, itunes etc. So when i take a pic on my phone, it should automatically be on my laptop in the photo stream folder. I just can't seem to figure out what i'm doing wrong. There's some pics on my computer which were sent from my Iphone in the photo stream folder, but anything recent its not sending over. Its on a Wi-Fi connection. But its driving me

Added (1). Hi. My icloud is enabled with a tick on photos.

Is it worth having an iPhone and an iPad?

I have an iPhone 4 which I use for telephone and texting, obviously, checking my emails at times, checking things on the internet and watching videos and listening to music (which I primarily do on my iPod Touch).

My parents have been asking what I want for Christmas and it dawned on me that an iPad may be a good idea. I'm a University student (First Year) and do think I would use it but I'm not sure if it's worth having the 2. I have had my iPod Touch for a while and since I got my iPhone is now only used for music and has taken a backseat to my iPhone.

I know I will obviously continue to use my phone for the telephone features and music and mobile internet but will having an iPad as well be useful?

Added (1). I also have a laptop which I do all of my work on and it will definitely be easier to carry an iPad into Uni rather than my laptop which is quite heavy.

What about GB? My phone is an 8GB I think and my iPod a 32GB so I'm guessing a 16GB would be OK for a few pictures, a little bit of music, apps and documents for Uni?

Is Viber actually free? Why Sprint still charges me money for those calling and texting?

Ok so it's really weird. Everyone already known what Viber is right? When you use iPhone or Android you can have that app for free calling and texting (even internationally). And last month, my fone bill was $1000, my goodness, can you believe that? And Sprint said that because I use 3g through Viber so it's gonna be like 20 cents/txt. It's only free when I'm using Wi-Fi. Does any of you know about this ridiculous thing? If it's so, why the heck Viber didn't warn us at first before we get so into it then charge for money under the so-called "free call" and "free txt" buttons?

I have a Iphone 4 but I'm not sure wether its activated or locked how can I find out?

I have a Iphone 4 but I'm not sure wether its activated or locked how can I find out?
I bought a pay as you go micro sim from 3 but it doesn't seem to work as for the 24 hour wait
I've waited 3 days the sim still doesn't work so where is the problem is it the sim or the phone?

Added (1). Even if its a pay as you go sim I should still contact the Provider?

How to transfer an album from my old itunes to my new itunes?

I created an itunes account YEARS ago when i got my first ipod. I started this account on my family's desktop computer. When i got my own laptop for christmas a year ago, i started a NEW itunes account because i did not remember my password to my old one and no longer used the email address, therefore could not receive my password. I'm now using an iphone with this itunes account and was using an ipod for my old one. I was able to somehow transfer some music from my desktop computer to my laptop with "home sharing" but could not transfer all of it for some reason. There's an album that i purchased with itunes on my desktop computer with my old account that i really want on my iphone but can't figure out how to transfer it. I really don't want to have to pay for the album all over again. Can someone help me!

Added (1). I have tried "trasnferring Purchses" from my old ipod connected to my laptop but it would only transfer my apps not my songs?

How to remotely turn on HP mini from IPhone?

I have been trying to figure out how to remotely turn on or wake my HP mini from my iPhone so that I can work on it but every time I look up how to do it either cost me money but still doesn't or the tech terms are too complicated to understand. So I guess what I'm asking for is a free (or really cheap) way to turn on my computer remotely with instructions that are easy to understand.

Why is my straight talk iPhone data so slow?

I have a jail broken iPhone 4s which I use with straight talk. When I first got it I downloaded a program on safari and the 4g and mms worked perfectly and I could watch Netflix. But I reset it and and this time I could not find the program I downloaded last time, so I used tetherme and now my Internet is so slow, but it still says I have 4g