Can i unlock my iphone, if i owe a unpaid balance?
Can i unlock my iphone, if i owe a unpaid balance?
Can i unlock my iphone, if i owe a unpaid balance?
The text I last sent shows as "delivered." Does this mean it hasn't been read?
Or if the read receipts setting is turned off, would the top message still show as "read"?
I just got an Iphone and I wanted to know if Facetime will still work if Find my Iphone is turned off. I have a friend who tells me that he can't Facetime me because I have disabled Find my Iphone and when I turn it back on, it works. I just wanna know if it's true because I don't understand how Facetime wouldn't work because Find my Iphone is off.
I'm going to get the 15 dollar data plan for AT&T with my iPhone. I know what it kinda includes but can you give me recap? THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION I HAVE: How much minutes and text messages can I send!
Is internet free when I use it at home? Like would my data go away for using Wi-Fi i have connection to?
On September 12 Apple is suppose to have a conference releasing the iPhone 5 and I just wanted to know what time it will be and if there's some kind of livestream or website that will update with new information as it is given out?
I have an jail broken iPhone 3GS I got it used so I didn't jail brake it my self and I have it unlock with a straight talk sim
Well I made a mistake and deleted some sources from cydia that I think I wasn't suppose to delete. Oops! But I have reseted the phone by holding down the home button and lock button that didn't work so I went thought my settings and reset the settings that way… That didn't work either and I don't have a computer so I can't connect to iTunes to unjailbreak my phone.
Can I fix my safari without a computer?
Is there a way to delete cydia from my iPhone?
(P.s. I won't to still keep my unlock I have that let's me use straight talk.)
If I take pictures only with my iPhone 4 (5 megapixel) and a few from a 4S (8 megapixel) how many pictures from them could 1 GB hold?
I don't want to lose my music because i have over 200 songs on my old iPod. My mom and I can't find out how to authorize the iPhone ( I own a iPhone 4S) to the old account so that I can Keep the songs and everything. So this is basically what i want to do:
1.keep all my songs
2.keep the apps
3.transfer BACK to my NEW account without losing anything
4. Be able to listen to music without any issues
Ok well me and my mom both have iphone 4's i have a black one (8 gb) and she has a white one (16gb) i use more apps ect… She is willing to trade sim cards but will it affect my contract? If it makes any sense
My iphone's youtube was acting up and being really slow but then i tried watching videos on other sites but it was also freezing and being slow so i thought it was the Wi-Fi and it turns out it is because i tried 3g and 3g worked faster than my Wi-Fi did. This is really strange because my Wi-Fi is always really fast so i tried to use the internet on my mom's iphone and i got the same results. I tried rebooting my iphone but that didn't work and neither did clearing all of my cookies. So i'm thinking about resetting my network setting but i don't know what it would do… Like will it erase all of my bookmarks in safari? Because thats a problem so if you have any idea how to fix this please help!