How to get a new Itunes account?

I was on my step moms itunes account and she keeps changing the password just to mess with me. By this point i'm fed up. I wanna completely log out of her account and get my own. My Itunes is logged out of hers but the songs, apps, ect are still there. I have a IPhone and i want it on my own account also. So how would i do all that?

How to downgrade iphone 3gs baseband 05.16.05 to 05.16.02?

I use iclarified to jailbreak and unlock my iphone as I feel I can trust them. I have successfully jailbroken my iphone but I can't unlock it because you need a baseband of 05.16.02 or lower. How can I downgrade my baseband? I do not want to upgrade my baseband to 06.15.00.

Does free Wi-Fi count against your data?

I have a iphone 4, the plan is unlimited texting and talking but its a no data plan (which i think means no surfing the web?), so i'm confused, if I use the free Wi-Fi in starbucks, airports etc. Would that count against my plan or no?

I have all this music in my itunes library, but it won't let me sync it to my iphone

I had an ipad with a bunch of music on it (That i bought off the itunes app on the ipad) so i sync it to the computer and its all on there. Then i plugged in my iphone (that also had some music on it that i bought off the itunes app on my iphone) and tryed to sync that music to my iphone. And for the life of me it won't let me do it. Any suggustions?

What can the iPhone 5 probably do that 4s can't?

Hi what will the iPhone 5 be able to do that the 4s can't this could be a stupid question but if any one has any ideas on what the iPhone 5 could do that iPhone 4s can't do that would be great!

Dropped iPhone 3GS in water?

Well a very blonde moment today when I managed to drop my beloved iPhone into the dogs water bowl!
I dried it immediately. I have since learned that I should've turned it off immediately but I didn't…

It appeared I'd been really lucky, phone still works, touch screen works, it's all OK, apart from the volume… Now when someone rings me, my ringtone plays loud as usual but when I answer it, i can't hear anything down the phone. However if i put it on speakerphone, i can hear it.

Is there anything I can do to get it back in working order? I no longer have my warranty with Apple as it ran out in July (SO CLOSE!) & Silly as it may sound to you I have not had it insured. (Although usually water damage is void isn't it?)

Any help please, just so that I don't have to use loud speaker to hear anybody calling me?"

My battery on my iphone 4s drains really fast?

Since i've had my iphone 4s i've noticed it has very terrible battery life and also it heats up when i play games or watch videos does anyone have any tips or advice on how to deal with this problem? Ps i already have tries turning of 3g and push mail and that to save battery but it does not have an affect