Got my iPhone wet at the beach?
So we went on vacation to San Diego. We got in the beach and the water came up to my shorts and my phone got water. I didn't notice until I took it out to take a picture. I went to the store and bought rice I had it in rice for 3 days. When we got back I put it the rice we have At home. I tried Turing it on nothing happened. So one time my niece dropped my iPod in the toilet and I put it in a zip baggy and then in rice and it worked perfect. I did the same to my phone and left in there for two more days and now I tried turning it back on nothing and I put it on my charger. I'm about to cry. I have all my memorie pictures on there everything our pictures from San Diego. Is there a way I can get it to work? I will pay up to $150 if it's needed for it to work please. I know I should've invested in a water proof case but I didn't think that would happen