Is 2gb of data a month enough for 3 iPhones? Also what will use up data?

Me, my mom, and my little brother are all getting iPhones for the share everything plan by Verizon. My mom (who is the one that wants to get us iPhones) says that she just wants to get the plan where it only charges you $40 per phone and gives you 2gb of data per month. My other brother is gonna get a phone but not an iPhone so that is another $30 per month. My brothers and I usually just go to school and home so we always have Wi-Fi (at school we don't even use our phones).So if we're connected to Wi-Fi and we use our iPhones will it still use up our data? My mom probably won't use up that much data because she never really uses the Internet except to buy stuff she will probably just use apps. So my two questions are, if I'm connected to Wi-Fi and I use the Internet and download apps will I get charged for data? If I don't then will 2gb of be enough to share?

Is the apple tv gen 3 worth it?

I'm getting 100 pounds for my birthday and i really like the apple tv but can't justify all that on a small device i have iphone 4s, macbook pro, ipad 2 so do you recon it will be worth it?

IPhone 4S Jailbreak Problems?

I recently jailbroke my iPhone 4S with firmware version 5.1.1. The jailbreak was doing well for about 2 days. I went to Cydia to download another tweak and when I went to respring, it locked on the black screen/activity circle. It stayed that way until the battery died and when i rebooted. It was fine. It seems to only lock up when i have to respring straight from Cydia. Anyone have any solutions?

Why is my iphone recieving texts late?

I'm texting my girlfriend and she gets my texts on time but when she sends back i don't get them for like 20 mins to an hour.imessage is working fine for me. My girlfriend does not have an iphone. But some other people i've been texting without iphones are replying and receiving my texts at a normal rate… Its getting annoying