How to control my pc from my iPhone?

I have Ubuntu Lucid LTS, and I'd like to operate it from inside my home network. For example, downstairs on the couch while the PC is upstairs. I downloaded an "Wi-Fi booter" app and it works, so taking it to the next level would be awesome!

Who knows anything about iphones and itunes?

So i have 500 songs on my old computer and i want to get them on my iphone but everytime i plug in my iphone i click view folders/ import pictures or whatever and then a box pops up and closes everything… And on itunes it doesn't say sync or even have my iphone in the devices. What should i do?

Should i buy a lifeproof cover for my iphone?

My sister gave me a hundred dollars i want to buy a lifeproof cover for my iphone which costs 80 bucks, i'm not sure if i should spend all my money on that because we're going to a theme park on sunday and i don't know what to do any advices?

How to get coins in Talking Tom 2 app?

There's an app called Talking Tomcat or Talking Tom 2 on iPad, iPod and iPhone. In it, you interact with Tom the cat and it allows you to spend gold coins to get clothes and accessories and other stuff, but I don't know how to get the coins in the first place. Does anyone know how to get coins without using cheats?

Iphone fell and won't turn on

Okay, so this is my second screen for my iphone, the first one i dummied.i've just recently dropped it again and it has at least two cracks around it. Today at work i dropped it on its back (so that the screen was facing me) it has a case so i wasn't too concerned, when i went to text someone however it wouldn't turn on? It was just a black screen. I tried turning it off i tried rebutting it (press the back button and top button at the same time) and it wouldn't do anything, finally i went home and charged it. That little sound it makes whenever you plug in your iphone came on BUT NOTHING HAPPENED. Its now been making that noise ever 7 seconds but the screen won't turn on and i've tried rebutting it twice. And unplugging the charger. However last night i went to grab my phone from my room and the background was one of those automatic background instead of the one i put on myself… All my pictures, msgs, games were saved but auto correct and spell check were turned back on? I didn't think much of that either because i had everything saved. HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANYONE? Does ANYONE have any idea what's going on… I not only am alone this weekend and need my phone desperately, i also have no way of getting to any kind of apple shop… Is there some trick i can do? Please! Someone help!

If you have a personal hotspot does that make your 3g Internet faster?

I'm new to this whole personal hotspot thing but I do have some information that I know like how it acts like a personal router to other devices such as Xbox, ipod, computer, etc. The only questions that I don't know are the ones below.
-would it make my iPhone 4S much faster?
-does it cost money to get it and if so how much?
Oh i'm on sprint btw!

My iPhone 4S won't charge, but will connect to itunes?

Since yesterday my phone will connect to my computer and wall outlets but will not charge. It keeps making the 'connect' noise, and that's it. The phone does show up on my computer like I said, and I can manage, sync and restore. I tried a restoration on the phone and it's still doing the same thing. If anyone could please help I'd greatly appreciate it.

IPhone 4 volume button doesn't work, water contact?

I'm asking this question for my cousin.

So, he just bought an iPhone 4 off ebay with warranty. However, the phone's volume button doesn't work. After he brought the phone to Apple to repair, they claimed the phone had contact with water and their warranty won't cover it.

My question is: could water damage affect the volume button in such a way it render it useless?


Added (1). Well, I can say it is very hard to sell a phone with defect at a suitable price. Even if he were to sell the phone back at the price he bought at, he still has to pay a cut to eBay and paypal. If he leaves a negative feedback for the seller, the selller is going to do the same to the buyer -- eBay really sucks in this area…