Strange things happening on my iphone?

I bought a second-hand unlocked iphone yesterday, put my sim in, my contacts uploaded fine - but all day today, I've been receiving copies of text messages between the previous owner and the person he's been texting - its really strange!
… How can I stop receiving his messages?

Strange things happening on my iphone? - 1

I bought a second-hand unlocked iphone yesterday, put my sim in - but I've been receiving copies of text messages between the previous owner and the person he's been texting - its really strange!
… How can I stop receiving his messages?

What are the main sources I need for Cydia?

So I jailbroke my phone and I did it before with another Iphone I previous had but everytime I go to add a source it says it about being unstable and illegal? So what are the sources I need for cydia, like the sources that give me WinterBoard or the BytaFont?

My iPhone 3gs does not connect to my Wi-Fi connection at home?

I want to unlock the phone. I have made a lot of research over the internet. And i have found an easy one. But when i try to enter my Wi-Fi network with the WEP code, my phone displays a message stating that it can't connect to the network. I have tried many times again and again with both uppercase and lowercase.

How to use an iPhone without a data plan?

My friend uses her iphone and she doesn't have the data plan and it doesn't charge to her bill. She said there's something you can turn off in the settings. Does anyone know anything about this? I would like to use mine.

Serious answers only. Answer if you know FOR SURE. No assumptions

I can't find my iphone because it has no battery?

Ok so i can't find my iphone 4 because there it probably has no battery what can i do? If i send a message through icloud will it ring? I've been trying to find it for a week but it won't come up. Please any tips?

Why is my iphone not charging?

Ok so i plugged my iphone into the computer and the phone has the little icon pop up where its the battery and its in the red, with the little lightning bolt, i left it on the charger for like a day and a half and when i took it off i pressed the power button to turn it on and that little icon showed up again:/ i charged it with my ipod charger on a HP computer, can it only be charged through a wall charger or a mac computer?

Added (1). Its an iphone 4

How to fix my iphone after being dropped in the toilet?

Today in the morning my iphone 4 fell in the toilet and i quickly pulled it out and rolled it in a towel and wiped the water, shook the excess out and the phone was on. I thought it was fine but then my home button didn't work. My friend told me to turn it off and but it on the window sill to dry, that was around 9am. I turned it off and left it there, after 1hour i tried turning it on but it wouldnt:/ i'm panicking because this is a gift from my boyfriend and i only had this phone for not even a week. At 7:30pm i plugged it in the charge and it turned on to the apple logo, and then it turned off. And it kept turning back on, and off again. So i unplugged it and still waiting for it to dry. Is there any other way to fix my phone? My boyfriend will be very disappointed if I tell him! I need help! As soon as possible!

How to fix my iPhone 3G screen?

Last week I decided I was going to update my iPhone applications, as I usually do, so I plugged in my iPhone to let it charge. When my iPhone was charged up I tried to update everything, but the right side of my screen wouldn't respond to touch. The majority of the left side works, but the other side won't. Is there a way to fix this or is it even worth trying to fix?

My iTunes library just deleted itself?

I downloaded a song off the internet, clicked on it for it to open in iTunes and then suddenly the entire library of 1000+ songs were gone, with only the newly downloaded song remaining? I didn't even click anything? I synced my iPhone with iTunes and the new song didn't download onto it (might be faulty) but none of the songs had been wiped off my iPhone.
Why did this happen? How can I get them all back? How can I transfer the songs from my iPhone back onto iTunes? I had lots of songs on iTunes not yet on my iPhone, where are they?