Can I charge an iPhone (4) without a charger?

I left my charger at my grandma's house and now it's 10% I don't have a USB charger so yeah. My step dad has an HTC, will the charger do it? And my step sister has a Samsung phone, will that charger do?

My iPhone 4s won't charge? - 1

I got my phone in the middle of January this year. I was charging it on my laptop and it suddenly just stopped. So i took out the usb and put it into the wall charger thing and it didn't make a difference. I know that its not the charger because it lights up then its plugged in. It got overheated only once and that was a while ago. What's wrong with my phone? What should I do?

Locked iPhone, don't know the password?

I have an iPhone 4s through AT&T and the other day one of my friends decided it would be cool to set a password on my phone and not tell me what it was. It was just meant to be a joke but they don't remember what the password was so now my phone is locked and I can't access anything because I don't know the password. What do I do!

My iPhone 4s won't charge? - 2

I got my phone in the middle of January this year. I was charging it on my laptop and it suddenly just stopped. So i took out the usb and put it into the wall charger thing and it didn't make a difference. I know that its not the charger because it lights up then its plugged in. What's wrong with my phone?

Why is my iPhone 4s so slow?

My iPhone is pretty new I got it about 2 months ago. I use Sprint and I have wi-fi. The problem is that the wi-fi signal is full and the internet is still really slow! My brother and sister have the iPhone too and theirs is really fast. I have no clue what it is they both have the black iPhone and I have the white if that makes any difference.

Name of this iPhone game?

So I've seen it but I can't remember it's name, it's one where you get a card and you have to describe a word to your teammate but there are certain words you can't say. Example: sugar is the word, I can't say coffe, sweet, white or cane.
Anyone know what it's called?