Pros and cons in buying apple stock?

Ok, so if I bought an AAPL stock like 2 weeks before the new iPhone is released, what would be the pros and cons of this (is it a good investment, how much money do you think I would make by the end of the year, if stocks went down next year, would I lose money, etc)? Also, how exactly would I make money? Do I get a paycheck or do I have to wait for the stock to gain value and then sell it?

Can I get an iPhone for tmobile?

I have had tmobile for years and I really want an iPhone. I don't really care anymore if it's the 3GS, the 4, or the 4s. (although I would LOVE the 4s). I'm NOT going to buy an unlocked iPhone because it's so much more expensive. Where could I get an iPhone to unlock and jailbreak it myself for sorta cheap? Maybe eBay or amazon?

How to see what time/date sites were visited (advanced website data) on iPhone?

So i want to find out when a certain website in my (settings>safari>advanced>website data) iPhone was visited. Is this possible?

Added (1). Correction. I understand how checking history works. What i don't quite understand is Advanced Website Data which is found by going to settings safari advanced website data. Is there anyway to find out when a site (on the list of website data) was visited. Say for instance the history is cleared.

Facebook messages on iphone?

Are one's facebook messages (and chat messages) exchanged via iphone visible to the rest of the friends?

Added (1). @kneeboarder:

Thanks. Is that different from the fb messages/chats exchanged via computer? Are those messages visible? I do know that some messages of my friends exchanged with their other friends are visible to me.

Screen on my iPhone is black and won't light up

I dropped my iPhone but I have an otter box so it didn't crack. However, the screen is now black and won't light up. I can hear when I get texts and calls but i just can't see. Its happened before and the guy says it was just some connection problem. Any way i can fix this without having to take it in?