My Iphone 4S completey stopped working?

So i got my iphone 4s in December of last year and about 2 weeks ago my top button(Power) broke and wouldnt do anything, i never got around to fixing it because they told me i may of had to pay for a new phone completely (Even though i have warrenty. ANYWAY i was just texting, then when i tried to turn it on it wouldnt, so i tried to hook it up to my itunes and my computer said it was connected, but it won't turn on, or show up in my itunes, nothing.

I don't know what i can do.

Installous torrents stuck on demagnetizing?

I'm using the repo of installous. As far as cydia is concerned, it is the most recent version, as with the rest of my packages. I do have appsync, hackulo translations and I think everything else I would need. I've been doing this for awhile.
For some reason I notice when I find a magnet link on installous, It typically hangs on "demagnetizing". Any ideas why?
Also, ports are open on my router, static ip is being used. And everything checks out on that end. My computer can download torrents quickly. Actually, so quickly it floods the Internet for all my devices.
So what's up with my iPhone?

Recommendations for a tablet?

I have the iPhone 4s and MacBook pro and my parents have offered to get me a tablet for college so I can physically write notes during class without needing to bring my laptop everywhere or have a bunch of notebooks and pencils. I'm leaning toward getting the new iPad and a stylus because it would be more compatable with my other devices but I'm not sure how practical it would be for writing on. Any recommendations for something that might work better?

How to stop Iphone from flipping a picture after I take it?

Got a new Iphone 4S the other day and whenever I take a internal view picture the iphone flips the image (as in the right to left changes). How do I stop this from happening!


Added (1). Don't get this confused by a picture rotating cause I move the phone, I mean the physical picture flips when I take it. For example if I took a picture of a apple on the right side of the table the picture would come out so the apple is on the left.

Hope that clears it up!

How much can an 8gb iphone 4s hold?

How many photos?
how many songs?
how many apps?
how many texts?
how many movies?

i know its alot but please answer me i'm getting the phone in 2 days: D

Tried to sync iPhone yesterday, but the songs on my iPhone were deleted?

I had 353 newly added songs on my iPhone. I got these songs from my sister's iTunes library using the "Manually manage" option… When I tried to sync my iPhone with my iTunes library, it deleted the songs on my iPhone… >.<… Is there a way to recover the 353 tracks from my iPhone? A recovery program that works for Mac perhaps? Anything that would get the songs back!


Added (1). Actually Justin, all of the songs i downloaded from my sister's library were not purchased mp3 tracks.

IPhone 3GS White Screen Of Death?

I've dropped my iPhone before (stupid, I know) but overall, no damage would come to it. Yesterday, it slipped from my hand AGAIN and when I picked it up, it had the WSOD (white screen of death). Unlike most WSOD cases though, I can still faintly see the upper right corner where it shows the battery icon and the lock icon when the phone's locked. I can still unlock it, and play music, and use apps, but overall nothing is visible except for the upper right corner. How do I fix it?

Virgin Mobile iPhone Cell Service (LA Area)?

I'm moving to California in a few months and I have to switch to a new cellphone company. I currently have Us Cellular but the service was terrible when I visited last month and previous times.

I looked at Virgin Mobile and realized that their cheapest cellphone plan for the iPhone is $30 if you enroll for the auto pay program. The iPhone is extremely expensive up front but I have a Best Buy credit card which allows an 18 month financing plan. I would buy the phone and set everything up in IL because I have to terminate my contract with Us Cellular. A lot of people have told me that the iPhone through Virgin works well in this area(Chicago Land) but I'm not sure if it works as well in the LA area, preferably Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and West Hollywood.

I hear that most cellphone companies have issues with service in the LA area. I have a few friends who have Verizon & At&t who report problems even in their supposed covered areas.

Any Virgin Mobile users who could tell me if it is worth buying a Virgin Mobile iPhone or even going to Virgin Mobile?

Can't add songs to iphone without it erasing my iphone?

Okay, so itunes, being as stupid as it is, isn't letting me put songs on unless I let it wipeout my whole entire phone, because apparently you can't download from more than one library at a time. Is there any way I can backup all of my music? I can't really figure out how to… I don't really care about my apps, though, I just… NEED my music.xc

Scammed on Craigslist. Can I get my money back?

I made the mistake of buying an iPhone 4 on Craigslist. The guy had told me nothing was wrong with the phone, and the pictures looked fine. So after a few texts back and forth, I met with him at a nearby mall, and I checked out the phone, and then bought it for $200. After setting up the phone, I realized that when i'm on a call, the other person couldnt hear me. After trying to fix the phone myself, and even taking it into the Apple store, it still doesn't work. I'm only sixteen years old, so $200 is a lot to me. I want my money back. I texted the guy who sold me the phone, and she didn't respond. Is there any way i'm able to involve the police, so I rightfully get my money back?