Iphone 3gs stuck on lockscreen?

I updated my iphone 3gs 4.1 to 5.1.1 but it stucked on recovery mode then i restored it from itunes(itunes said that it will update iphone to latest version but it updated it to ios 4.3.5)however to when it completed the restore my iphone starts and stuck on lockscreen and instead of "slide to unlock""slide to emergency" is written and itunes logo and usb cord is also on lockscreen and in tunes it was written that "the sim card inserted in this iphone does not appear to be suppoted"please tell me what can i do

Is my knuckle fractured or just sprained?

Over a week ago I either hit my knuckle or bent my fingers back (I fell off a stage - don't remember much else!)
I've had my fingers bandaged up constantly for a week now but it still hurts as much as the day I did it, it's my middle knuckle which feels bruised when I press on it and I can't bend my middle finger at the knuckle or grip anything properly (smashed my iPhone because of this)
Despite this there's no visible swelling or bruising…

should I get it x rayed or just keep it bandaged and wait for it to subside?

IPhone Bluetooth acting funny?

In my Prius, my iPhone's Bluetooth usually works perfectly fine.
Today I connected it and tried playing my music. Instead I heard weird sounding drums and cymbals and the whole time it sounded windy. The weird part is the songs I played didn't have any drums of any sort in the beginning and EVERY song was like that. When I changed the song or paused it, so did the so called "song" playing from my speakers. When I switched it to play throughout the phone speakers, it was fine. I checked to see if it may have picked up someone else's music but it was connected to only my phone and my phone is connected to the car only. I disconnected it and reconnected and same thing happened.
This is the second time this has happened. Any idea?

IPhone unlock - Verizon Wireless?

So my iPhone 4 Verizon contract ends next December, but I'm trying to plan ahead and decide on the best route financially, as I will be in college by then. If I unlock my iPhone, can I make a contract with a carrier that allows me to have unlimited voice and text, but no data? I talked to a Verizon rep today, and he said I can't have unlimited voice and text without a data plan, as "All smartphones need some sort of data plan when you sign up for a contract." So my next thought was could I do what I want to do if I unlock it?

Can a blocked iPhone be unlocked?

Okay so here's the deal, this guy dropped his iPhone 4s and instead of getting a new phone he stopped paying his bills so now the iPhone is locked by the carrier. Is there any way I can unlock it to use again (on a different carrier) or will it always be blocked? I want to know before I spend the money to fix the digitizer.

Do I have to pay for music for my iphone 4?

I already have music on my iTunes. Can I just sync it onto my iphone? Or do I have to buy the music for my phone? So can I sync the music to my iphone like I do with my Ipod Touch?

How to use iCloud on iPhone 4s?

I have restored my iPhone 4S by plugging it into my iTunes and lost everything, I managed to sync my songs & apps but have lost my contacts and photos:/ I remember setting up an iCloud when I first got my iPhone which I've been told backs up everything you have on the phone? So what I want to know is if iCloud has backed everything on my phone- how do I reverse it & get it back on my phone?