My iPhone turned off by itself

My phone turned off by itself and i pushed the lock button & now its been loading to turn off! Its been on the same loading screen for like 5 minutes please help! I already tried plugging in the charger it won't do anything.

Lies My Teacher Told Me Quotes?

I have the book on my iPhone, but the pages aren't exact. Can someone tell me which page in the book,"Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen, is this quote on:"Throughout his administration Wilson maintained forces in Nicaragua, using them to determine Nicaragua's president and to force passage of a treaty preferential to the United States."

How to download music from iTunes to my iPhone4s?

Okay so before I was able to highlight the song and drag it to my iPhone file thing. My laptop had issues recently where it had to be cleared out and rebooted so all the programs, files, pictures, documents were erased on my laptop. Afterwards I re-installed iTunes and downloaded two new songs and it won't sync onto my iPhone file! It just kicks it out when I drag it onto the iPhone file. Help me what should I do? I heard it was program to sync music on one computer but it's the same computer!

How to look back at really old texts on iPhone?

I don't want to have to continuously press the "load earlier messages" button, that would probably take me a week to do. I just want to reread the messages from when my boyfriend, then friend, first started texting. Is there a way to do that? Can I view them on itunes from my computer or is there no way?

Can an unopened iPhone be tracked?

A friend of mine recently found an unopened iPhone (He wouldn't tell me how). He wants to know if its possible for the phone to be tracked if he were to use it (He is openly into conspiracies and for obvious reasons doesn't want to be tracked down).Is it possible that he could be tracked if he were to get his own micro sim?

Where Can I find Iphone Cases?

Where can I find Cute Iphone 4 cases (for girls), that aren't too expensive? Know any websites or stores? Thanks. If you can find a cute purple one, could you please let me know?