I dropped my Iphone in the sink. What should I do?

My phone was only submerged for about three seconds and I immediately dried it off then let it soak in rice overnight. I took it out after that and it works, but my service is acting funny. I would have 5 bars of service for about 30 seconds, then it would say "Searching… " for about 3 minutes.

Locked myself out of iPhone

I recently changed the password on my iPhone, but now I can't remember it and can't get back in. I know you can use Restore, but I'd like to keep my images and iPhoto won't let me transfer images from a locked iPhone. Is there anyway to get around the passcode, or at least keep my pictures? If anyone could help, it would be a HUGE relief and I'll even answer a question of yours if you can help me fix this.

IPhone 4 got wet and is overheating

Can someone help me out. My phone got wet due to a faulty LifeProof case in a swimming pool. It was not soaked just a bit of moisture but still enough to mess it up. All the functions are fine (other than the lock button which plays up sometimes but that is not such a problem). The major problem is that the phone is overheating, almost too hot to touch. I think its a short in the battery but i'm ot sure. Any suggestions or ideas how to fix it… Thanks

How to get the Golden Child to die in Virtual Villagers: Origins?

I have the Golden Child and no other villagers. I can't do anything with the Golden Child and I need to kill him. I have tried to get a random event by changing the date and time settings on my Iphone but I just can't get him to find a vial or a book. What can I do to kill Golden Child

Why won't instagram open?

Okay this is kind of urgent for me. Whenever I press the instagram icon, it brings me to the app for about 3 seconds then immediately reverts back to the home screen. I don't understand, i've tried restarting my iPhone and it still doesn't work. I use this app 24/7 and I can't have it not working now. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Should I leave my iPhone turned off overnight? Should I delete the app and buy it again? I NEED instagram.

Charging with USB 3.0 & 2.0 ports?

I was wondering if I could charge my iPhone with it's USB 2.0 cable in the USB 3.0 port of my laptop. Is 3.0 backwards compatible? Does this apply to other USB 2.0 devices too?

Japanese/Korean: Who is the singer or what is the name of the song?

A Japanese or maybe Korean song. The video clip is a young beautiful lady wearing shorts singing a song and most of the song she sings in front of another lady same her age and they dance together.
Unfortunately I don't know the words, but it has the following:

1- A part of the song she says/sings "la la la la lah", then the music comes.
2- She mentions by the end of her sentences in English "Number one".

During the video clip she keeps dancing while singing.

If you know the youtube link I will be highly appreciated. I lost it when I accepted to merge/add my iPhone's favorite's on youtube to my personal youtube account. It somehow keeps my mood perfect as it is very cheerful song, I hope you can help!

Will i get charged for calling/using magicjack?

i have an iPhone 4 with at&t. My aunt lives in Haiti and she has magicjack with a 305 area code(Miami, Fl). When she calls me i don't get charged but will i get charged for calling her?
If i download the magicjack app in the app store can i call her with out getting charged from at&t?

I would appreciate very much it if you guys would answer the questions in two parts please and thank you <:)