How to stop my dog from eating my things?

I bought an iphone 3 days ago, the case i got was $80, when i woke up she was eating it, i got super mad but the next day i put the phone somewhere she wouldnt be able to reach it, then woke up the next day to her eating my headphones. She's a pom, 8 months. Is there any way i could stop her from eating my stuff?

Am i gonna be wealthy when i grow up?

Well i wanna know if i have a chance at being a millionaire. I'm gonna be cocky for a minute. First my granda is a millionaire and he owns a yatch and a really nice house i would know because i've lived with him for awhile when i was about 6 (15 now) second he lives in Hawaii and owns 2 houses in Miami FL where i used to live. My step dad was once a millionaire but something happened that i can't tell you had to pay cancer medicine we live in a nice house and stuff and i'm 15 and have a iphone 4s and ipads and macbook pros (2 actually). Last my aunt is a eye doctor that also have a nice house

How to turn on safe mode in iPhone 3GS while on boot logo?

I have an iPhone 3GS with 16GB on iOS 5.1.1 jailbroken (obviously) and it does not end turning on process… I turned it on yesterday and when I looked for it; it was turned on but in safe mode so I though the worst happened so I respringed BUT it did not ended… How do I toggle safe mode while my iPhone is on boot?

If I change my number, will I still appear as a WhatsApp contact?

I deleted WhatsApp 5 months ago. I'm moving to and another country now. If I change my number, will the people I used to chat to be able to see if I'm online? The one person that I'm trying to have no contact with still has our previous WhatsApp messages. Will he know that I have downloaded the application again and will he be able to contact me on my new number since I'm using the same iPhone?

My iPhone 4 won't turn on - 3

So I've had my phone since September. It's always worked fine, such a good phone, haha anyway. I was up til like 5 tweetin' & on Facebook & what not, then put it on the charger & fell asleep. I woke up like 20 minutes ago to my phone not turning on… It's just a black screen, I tried different chargers, it's not dead. Also my lock button is like jammed in, and down so I can't use that, but any chance does anyone know what to do or how to fix that? Well please help because I need my phone & I don't know what to do… Thank you all.

Can wet iphone can be replace without no insurance?

Got my phone wet and I haven't had for a long time maybe 5 months only and I wanted to know if I take it to the apple store with out no insurance on my phone would they replace it and give me a new one with out paying any fees?

Mutant RoadKill Cheats and Mutant RoadKill Hack?

Hi, I play on both my android and iphone device, and i'm enjoying the game, I'm using the Mutant RoadKill Cheats for coins, gold and power pack and I got 999999 amount for each. I downloaded it at: WAXHACK.COM and it's pretty cool.

Do you have the new version for Mutant RoadKill Hack? I know the previous is working, I just heard a new update. Try the one above it's working, but if you have the new version, let me know.