How long should it take to restore an iPhone 4?

My iPhone 4 was stolen and jail-broken. I have it back now and am trying to restore it to factory default settings. I just did it from the settings on the phone versus doing through my computer. It's been on the black screen with the little white spinning circle for an hour now. I know that there was A LOT of stuff on it so I'm sure it's going to take quite sometimes to restore it. But I'm curious to how long it should take?

How much would the iPhone 5 cost with a 2-year contract w/ Verizon?

My contract ends in a few months, and my parents said that I can get a smartphone for my next phone. Originally, my dad wanted me to get the Galaxy S3 because it's the latest thing out apparently, but we've heard news about the iPhone 5 coming out apparently on September 12th (or sometime in September). My parents are willing to get me an iPhone 5 when it comes out, but I'm a little worried about the costs. Our phone carrier is Verizon, and we always get 2-year contracts, so how much do you think an iPhone 5 would cost with a 2 year plan?
I think the iPhone 4s costs like $199 w/ a 2year contract with Verizon, so would the iPhone 5 cost that much too? I'm not looking to get the 64gig one - I'm looking to get the lowest gig one because I don't wanna put that much financial burden on my parents for all that gig I won't use.

How much would it cost to get my iPhone home screen button fixed?

My iPhones homescreen button doesn't respond anymore unless I press on it really hard. It's not broken I think something might just be stuck. And I've had to use the assistive touch and it's a real pain in the ***. Anyways how much would it cost to get it fixed?

Can I buy a iphone without a contract, then update my current contract to use it?

I have a blackberry torch 9800 its garbage ever since I got it, it has had software problems and will not work.AT&T said the warrenty would not cover it because of 3 scratches on the top of the phone it passed all of the other tests but did not pass the cosmetic test, so can I buy a iphone from AT&T, then transfer my contract to use it

One Direction Signed iPhone 4 Case?

I recently saw a picture on twitter of an iphone case that had one direction's band members signatures on it, I know it was not legitimately their signatures they were obviously manufactured like printed on because I'd seen the same exact ones with their real names signed underneath their signatures on some of their other merchandise and such haha. So I was wondering if anyone knows where to get something like this?

How to get my iPhone out of recovery mode?

For over a week my iPhone has not been working. First it said it was searching for the network, then the restore needed message popped up. Then it started cutting on and off every 3 or so minutes. It doesn't stay on long enough to be updated or to back up. I tried to see if I could update it in recovery mode and now it is stuck in recovery mode. Is there a way to get it out of recovery mode?

Just graduated from college need financial advice?

Sorry in advance this is being done on my iPhone. Ok, I just graduated from college. I live in Florida. I got a job that pays $27 an hour on week days and $28.25 an hour on weekends. I used a web site to calculate my paychecks on $27 an hour. I work 36 hours a week and get paid biweekly. According to that web site I'll gross about $1, 900 and I'll bring home about 1, 500.So that's about about 3, 000 per month. I would like to know how much money I can spend on the following; rent, electric, water, savings, gas money, food, luxeries, and car payment. Don't have a car payment yet but I need a new car. My college car is about to break down. My bills now are as follows; car insurance-130, phone bill-110. I don't have any other bills. If I missed anything please add that as well.