Why won't my iPhone 4s send/receive MMS?

I have an iPhone 4s and has 5.1.1 software. It is jailbroken, but it used to send/receive pictures before. I already tried restarting and turning on and off the MMS option. What else should I do? Do you think it has to do with it being jailbroken?

Price of second hand iPhone 4S?

I'm going to sell my iPhone 4S at the end of 2012 because I will need to study for medicine.
Anyway, how much should I sell it for?
I've had it from February 2012 and I've always been gentle with it. It has a screen protector and no bad scratches.
Has never been dropped, broken or submerged in water.
Australian dollar value please

ITunes won't Sync All Songs On IPhone 4s?

I've tried time after time and I can't sync more than 22 songs from my iTunes onto my iPhone 4s. I know I have space as I only have a couple apps and pictures on my phone already and am only trying to transfer 158 songs onto my phone. I have the 16g iPhone 4s. Anyone have any ideas?

IPhone 4s music library problem?

OK so my family and I are currently on vacation, it is about an 8 hour drive to get from our home to the beach that we go to. So I listen to my music on my IPhone while riding in the car.

here's where the problem arises, while listening to my music i play games on my phone and certain apps when opened shut off the music playing from the ipod.once the music is shut off by the app when i turn my music back on it starts the music back from song 1. Because i keep my ipod on shuffle i heard the same songs multiple times on the way to the beach and hope to have the problem fixed by the time we leave next Saturday.

If there's anyone that had a similar problem and fixed it, or just someone that knows how to fix the problem can you help me out?

Unlock carriers on iphone 4?

I have jailbrokern our iphone 4
ultrasn0w has been installed but our Vodaphone sim card is still not accepted.

Do you know how ot unlock the handset?

If I ever lose my iPhone, is there any way to track it?

I'm a heavy iPhone user and so, my battery doesn't last very long. When I go outside, I turn off 3G and location services to save battery. This is to ensure that my battery lasts longer. But every time I go outside, I'm afraid that I will lose my iPhone because 3G and location services are off most of the time. Is there any way to track it without using the find my iPhone app?