How to make my iPhone battery last longer?

Whenever I use my iPhone even a little, and when i'm on an app for a little it loses like 2% every 4 minutes or whatever. How come? Why does it drain so fast? I kill all the apps, I turn everything off, Wi-Fi, blutooth, those are off, auto brightness is on, my screen brightness is lower than half way, what's going on?

Sprint vs the AT&T data plans?

I'm in the process of switching over from Sprint to AT&T. I was worried about the data plans due to the fact that I constantly stream the weather, FB and my email. I called sprint and found out that I only used 20MB of data last month.AT&T has data plans for 300MB, 3GB, and 5GB. What worries me is that my sister uses AT&T 3GB with her iphone 4 and goes over her data limit. Are there differences between phones on the AT&T network that use more data then others? If I was to go with a 300MB data plan, should I be worried it isn't enough?

IPhone Water Damage Help? - 1

I very briefly dropped my iPhone in water, and it still works in general. The only problem is that it will not play music or sounds without headphones. It acts as if I have it plugged into a speaker or dock and it is playing through that. It works fine with headphones, but without headphones it won't play out loud. All the other functions work fine.

I was fiddling with the port at the bottom trying to clean it out and I managed to get it to work perfectly for a second, but it switched back to the old problem it has.

Anyone else had this problem?

Can I download tv episodes form online to my itunes and iPhone?

I don't want to buy TV episodes from iTunes, so it there anyway I can download episodes from online so I can watch them on iTunes and my iPhone? I have a Mac and I don't have enough money to buy episodes on iTunes so it there a website or something where I can just download tv shows?

IPhone 4 off button is stuck?

Well I went to turn off my iPhone 4 and the top off button would not push down at all it won't even move what should I do and my dad tried pushing it down but that didn't work eaither Please Help!

What's a good DRAWING app for iPhone?

ALSO! Do you have any suggestions of some other mobile device that allows me to draw with a HARD tip stylus? It's hard for me to draw precisely with my FINGER (the iPhone doesn't let me draw on it with a regular hard tip pointed stylus).

Iphone 4 connection trouble?

Ok its connected to Wi-Fi but doesn't have a plan with verizon and hasn't had a plan for almost a year and never had any problem. But ever since yesterday it keeps disconnecting from the Wi-Fi and i have to reconnect it and enter the password it and its getting annoying. I wanted to know if its getting hacked somehow because i play xbox and i know that people know how to get ips and hack stuff or if its just my Wi-Fi thats messing it up