How to turn a IPhone into a GoPhone?

I've looked it up but i keep finding different solutions to this.
I have a gophone that i've been using for a year and a half, it has a orange SIM card and i have another orange SIM card that hasn't been activated. Is there any version of the iphone that uses the orange SIM card? If not how do i switch my current SIM card into a blue one? I've read it needs to be blue for some of them, is this right? And will it even work? And i don't really want a jail broke one.
Any help is appreciated because at&t is just too expensive for me to pay monthly. And i have to use at&t because its the only one that gets good service in my area

i've asked this in one place but haven't got a answer yet so i'm trying again

Deleting other off my iPhone?

So I'm trying to delete some of the 'other' from my iPhone.
I know there's a folder in the iPhone somewhere that you can delete to clear it up a little. Although, I just don't know what the folder is called and I also need an app for my mac that allows me to look though my iPhone.
So what I'm asking is…
What's a good mac app for exploring your iPhone as a USB? And…
What is the folder called that I need to delete?
Cheers, any help is much appreciated and will be rewarded with gratitude and friendly gestures.

How to deal with parental favoritism?

I'm 15 years old (male) and it seems like my dad favours my two younger sisters over me. For the past couple of years he started not giving a *** about me. He constantly criticizes me at everything I do, never really supported me.

His criticism has made me very insecure about myself and I refrain from socializing with people at school because I'm scared they'll think of me like what my dad likes to criticize. All of my classmates consider me the "quiet" one. And because of this too, I always keep to myself and apparently, I'm "selfish" to my parents. But why think of others If no one gives a *** about you?

Furthermore, this favoritism makes me very depressed and is affecting my studies and my morale at school. My grades drop recently, but I'm considered a smart student, In the first class and all. My sister gets worse grades than me but my dad does not yell at her or anything. He also promised her and iPhone 4 if she aced her major exam, the same test I took 3 years ago where he promised me a new computer which is Way cheaper than that iphone 4 and I didn't get that computer.

Does this has anything to do with the fact that my younger sisters look and act alot like my dad but I tend to look and behave more like my mother? I can't wait to do well in my SAT's and get the hell out of the house.

So how do I deal with this in the mean time?

Sims free play for iPhone?

Basically I was on those advertisements to earn more points and when I went on one called via me, where you have to watch this video and then download an app, but when I did all of that and I went back to my sims app, it just stayed on the advertising page and I can't get back to playing the game. How do I get back to my sims game!

IPhone 4S deals. PAYG or contract?

I'm getting the iPhone 4s for Christmas.
My dad has told me that if you had it on contract then your able to get all the apps.
If its on pay as you go, I was told that you can't get all the apps.

So I was wondering what the best deal would be. I've looked at the contract deals and it's £36 a month and you get the phone for free, with unlimited calls and texts. And I have to be on O2 network.

What is the best? Contract or Pay as you go

Contract - unlimited calls and texts for £36 a month and being able to use all the apps
PAYG - £499.99 for the phone an £15 top up every month, and supposedly not abroad apply to use the apps

How to make money at the age of 13?

I asked my mom if I could get the iPhone 4 as my phone upgrade since it is the near the end of my 2 year contract. But I have to pay for it myself. It is 100 dollars and I already have earned 40 dollars. I can't do babysitting in my neighborhood because it is one of those area that is filled with just retired people that have no kids. My neighbors don't really like my family because we're so loud (Big family with 5 kids) so I can't really do any chores for them. I like to donate old clothes and toys to the local shelter and charities so selling stuff on Ebay wouldn't work. I already babysit my younger siblings but my mom doesn't pay me much for that. Any tough house hold chores that should pay well would be nice. I really want to buy this because my phone is broken and I want to have a phone before school starts and it will show my mom I can be independent and earn my own money. I think it will make her trust me a but more and whenever I buy something expensive I feel proud of myself for earning the money. I want to keep earning money and put it into my back account that my mom opened for me a few months ago.

Iphone 4s without cellular connection?

Just because my ipod touch is really slow, and i don't want to pay for cellular connection, is it possible to get an iphone 4s off ebay or something, and disable the cellular connection and never pay and use it as a Wi-Fi only device?

Bakery Story Cheats, Iphone Cheats For Bakery Story?

Does anyone know if there are bakery story cheats for iphone that will work without jailbreak. I really need a cheat for bakery story that will get me free gems in the game and i don't wanna have to pay. I've been looking everywhere for a bakery story cheats program for iphone, i have a ipad too but need a no jailbreak hack or cheat for bakery story that can cheat free gems or maybe even coins in the game. I'm stuck and can't level up.