My classmates disagree with my type of populism?

I go to a very center liberal University and the class I have is one which all the students interact and discuss things with each other.
Their views are typically pro Hillary, pro Obama, pro AOC and when it comes to Republicans, they would go for Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, or John Kasich.

I myself irritated them when I defended the yellow vest movement in France along with the Italian triumvirate of Salvini, Di Maio and Conte.

These liberals here in the US simply can't comprehend something like the Yellow Vests in France, Syriza in Greece or the anti establishment parties of Italy.

They just mostly care about social prejudices.
They want liberty and justice for LGBT, blacks, hispanics, immigrants, Muslims, women, but when it comes to the issue of the working class, they turn a blind eye, look at their iPhone X and go to Starbucks.

Why would they not support the voice of the struggling proletarian but focus exclusively on things like race and gender?

I understand discrimination is bad but what about the disgusting standard of living of millions of Americans?