Will photos on iPhone disappear if low on storage?

A big chunk of photos disappeared off of my iPhone 6s Plus. I took over 200 pictures from a family vacation to Orlando this past May, and while going back through my photos today, trying to make more room on my phone, over 200 of my photos (and also some videos) where gone. I don't know how long it has been like this, I just noticed it now. Does this have somthing to do with my phone being low on storage? Or is it somthing else?

My iphone 6 is fried what do I do?

I updated to IOS 12 and it immediately went to ****, I have 3 bars of LTE and I can't even see a snapchat photo. THE DFU DOWNLOAD THE "unsigned" FIRMWARE way does and will not work no matter the host rewrite or what I hold I have ended up on error 3194 and it won't move I even removed my firewall. I just want to get back to 11.4 so I can live what can I do actual tips only pleae

Did Steve jobs actually invent the iPhone and the iPad off of alien artifacts?

I was reading stores where Steve jobs and a couple of other people in the 70s went to a government place where they were shown alien artifacts that came from the moon.

Some of them look like iPhones and iPad. Steve jobs tested them out and so did a couple of other people he was with.

The government wanted Steve jobs and his men to try to make things like this one day.

Iphone 6s screen becomes unresponsive intermittently?

I have an iphone 6s 32gig and it is brand new. But as i've been using it, the screen will out of nowhere become unresponsive and the only thing i can do is lock the phone then unlock it and it will work again but sometimes only for a short while then it happens again. Can anyone tell me what i could do to make it stop doing that? Anyone have the same problem with their screen?

Instagram Account/Log-In

My instagram app on my iphone won't let me log in. It says I'm connected/linked to my facebook account but it won't let me log in with and without it. I checked facebook and it says that we aren't linked. IN NEED OF Help

Link my Facebook to my IG?

I have an iphone and I can't seem to log into my instagram app because it says there's in error. I tried to connect my facebook to my instagram but it won't let me log in with that. I can't access my account on the app but I can on safari and on my computer. I tried doing the factory reset and it worked but I ended up having no photos or messages from earlier today so i just restored my phone back to earlier today. Is there anyway to fix this "Sorry there was a problem with your request" without resetting my phone?